Video Games


By “donating animal carcasses”, they mean bring them back to camp and dumping them by the campfire…right? Or do I take them to Pearson?

I’ve brought in a few and left them by the camp fire as that is what the game suggests to do.

Take them to Pearson. Doing the camp upgrades should be on the list of things to do ASAP as well. Sometimes it seems like a lot, when I first played, I just wanted to get through the story, but I promise you when they story is done, you are gonna wish it wasn’t. Take your time.

And you can leave the actual carcass on your horse.

Just go to Pearson and you’ll see whatever is on the horse there for you to donate.

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Must remember to bag something when heading back to camp.

And people continue to be surprised that kids go around shooting up schools and whatnot.

Get off my lawn.


Only once they get their dead eye skills up to snuff and can paint multiple outlaws while on horseback.


Finally finished Chapter 2. Camp now down by the creek where you save the rich German. Got the “manual paint” ability with Dead Eye too, although I’m not that adroit with it yet.

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Hunting with Dead Eye and a scoped rifle is a colossal upgrade. Now, if only the animals I want to get would show up where they’re supposed to be, and not yet another fucking white tailed deer.


Beau Grey: I have a secret.
Arthur: Are you secretly normal?

Cracked me up, that did.


So many good characters.

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So RDR2 is a prequel. Interesting.


I am aware that Arthur doesn’t make it through this story. I have avoided when/where/how, but this game is too old and I have been looking up too many hints and tips to avoid that spoiler.

They should make RDR3, which leads up to the Blackwater Massacre that everyone keeps talking about. I’d probably be one of those people pre-ordering it and booking the week off work when it releases.

Oh, and I’m into Ch. 4 at Shady Belle. At the end of Ch. 3 I took out the Grays before the Braithwaites, and now I’m curious as to what differences there would be if I’d done it the other way around.

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Old Lady Braithwaite was a piece of work.

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I think RDR3’s story will be a continuation of RDR1’s ending.

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The ride to Braithwaite Manor is such an adrenaline pumper.

The music in that game is so good.


Walking up to the house like The Wild Buch was pretty awesome too.


Arthur stopping the train in chapter 2, the gang gathering outside the manor … pure cinema.

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I’m just back from a hunting and looting trip to the mountains. The views across the world from on high are incredible, but the wolves are sneaky fuckers.

I’m not good with heights, so riding some of those mountain trails was genuinely stressful.

At some point, Arthur needs to say “Fill your hands you son of a bitch!”

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Hunting is frustrating, especially the legendary animals. I have the map of where they are, but they just don’t appear. If you’re in the middle of another mission that doesn’t offer you the time to stop and hunt, the fuckers are everywhere. But take time out and start stalking through the woods you get nothing but crickets…and deer.

When I go to the location of a legendary animal, I seem only to get the message that it’s too busy to find them or I get no message at all. I’ve bagged the legendary fox so far, and that’s it.

Doo, doo, dooo lookin’ out my front porch


The mechanic is to get there, activate eagle eye, see the yellow/gold thing for the first clue, then follow the trail to the second clue, ditto clue #3 then the trail goes to the animal.

You can use explosive ammo. Legendary animal hides don’t take damage.

Go find the legendary Buck then craft the trinket at the pawn shop.

Finally bagged the Legendary Buck and made the trinket. Still seems like everything I point my scope at is 2-stars at best.

Oh, and getting the French sex pest on the boat in St. Denis cost me a horse. :rage:

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