Video Games

I loved that guy!

Same. I found that if you stay in the same place too long, a force user will show up and end you. But moving around puts you in too many crosshairs. Either way, 90% of the game play was spawning and running somewhere.

That’s what I was looking for in SW BF 2. I think the difference is that the sequel added AI elements to the behavior of one’s enemies for more “realism”, whereas I just wanted to shoot dumbass Storm Troopers who line up for the privilege.

I still have the training wheels on in Chapter 1, but I can see what you mean. This is my first foray into a true RPG video game but, so far it is very intriguing. I understand that it’s in Chapter 2 that they throw the world open to you so that you’re not just following someone to a pre-determined mission.

Even though it is a PS4 game (not remastered for PS5) it looks amazing. Also, I have shot people and looted their bodies, lassoed someone off their horse and beaten them - perhaps unnecessarily - for information.

Just starting my (murderous) journey, and you are spot on. Very atmospheric. I am just going through the transition from socked-in winter to spring thaw, and the way the world is depicted is incredible.

Just keep an eye out for them O’Driscolls.

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There’s already fewer of them to worry about.

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You might have missed this detail unless you have a keen eye but your horse’s testicles change size according to the weather.

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I am happy to say that I have, in fact, missed that detail.


I was expecting a link to an article describing the phenomenon, but there is none, leading me to disturbing speculation about your pastimes. After all, if I remember correctly, you ARE a bass player.

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Here you go you perverts.


“… and the horses will also defecate.”

We’re a long way from Asteroids.


My wife is a gamer but Red Dead is a bit too hardcore for her to play but it was the game she wouldn’t let me play unless she was watching. At one point she did exclaim “Did your horse just take a fat shit?!”


1 tip, don’t be in a rush to finish chapters. Enjoy Arthur and the story. My first play thru I tried to complete all the main story stuff as fast as possible.

I’ve replayed it at least twice now, it’s better each time.

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I’ll tack on:

Don’t worry about missable content. There is some, but it’s a small amount and really only applies to completionists.

Take time to interact with the others in camp.

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I have been a little confused about what I’m supposed to be doing about actual food (not potions and tonics looted from bodies) and caring for my horses (I now have two). I have no idea what I should be doing for the health and “cores” of my character and/or the horse he rode in on.

I’m starting to think that RDR2 is not very AHDH-friendly, as there is just so much freedom that the ADHD feeling that you’re not doing something that you really ought to be doing (because that’s usually the case) is pretty strong. It’s quite hard for me to simply take a nap in the game.

I’ve already questioned one of the gunslingers (and blown up his shit, literally), but should I go for the others? Go and hunt that big bear? Hunt a deer because I need that to eat? Kill and rob some random shitkicker because I can afford fuck-all at the general store?

It’s all a little overwhelming. ADHD brains don’t do well embarking on tasks/missions when we can’t see the end.

Shoot the horses and eat them.

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I have yet to come across a kebab shop to prep this for me.

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You should hunt to get get meat for yourself that you can cook and meat that you can donate to the camp. The camp mood dealies tell you when things are low. Plus you can haul a deer carcass into camp and feel like a big man.

Feed your horse when you ride him at least a couple of times in a game day. If you hitch your horse it will count as grazing.

Buy yourself a meal when in town, cook meat at the campsite and eat some then and store some so you can eat from your satchel. And sleep. Your calories for a day apparently only count if you sleep.

Yes you should definitely hunt the big bear.

Use the D pad on your controller to get task lists.

My suggestion is to work on the crafting upgrades that Pearson can do in chapter 2. They pay off, they’ll get you out/hunting and get you familiar with the map and NPCs.

As for behavior, you can be a good or bad as you want. But being a remorseless killer/robber in free roam will not get you rich (as opposed to missions, those do pay well). It will get the npcs hating your guts.

ETA: if you feel a need to blast someone there are always O’Driscolls around.

Damn O’Driscolls.

Thanks! This is helpful

Got taunted by some O’Driscolls. Wasn’t sure if I should just blast them or if that would bring me some troubles. Also, I’m not yet very adept at weapon selection.

Word to the wise: if you do get some 3 star pelts get them donated fairly promptly.

If you die they’ll be gone when you respawn.

Generally speaking if you are antagonized you can retaliate.

Or learn to run like hell and lose a wanted level.

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Hey Limey!

As a fellow ADHD haver… I might recommend using this game as a way to “buck” those trends. I personally made it my goal to make this game progress regardless of how it made me feel.

It was painful at times but mostly therapeutic. With a game like this, there’s no right or wrong way to finish it. I found that to be liberating ultimately.

Not sure if this helps.

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