Video Games

That was my general experience as well.

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You bought the Russian version.


I looked up some YouTube vids of people playing, and that seems to be the universal experience. I know it may be an accurate depiction of actual battles, but that sort of gritty realism is not what I want from a Star Wars video game.

Limey has a Mac. The Russian version only works like that if you have Windows.

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I’ll allow it.

This caused me to think of games where side quests are time-limited…I came up with the Dead Rising series, which is great fun. You run around in ridiculous costumes ripping apart zombies
with absurd combo weapons. Or you can just get puking drunk and beat each other with clown hammers .

Thanks, but I play games when I’m looking for an escape from the election season.


I am enjoying it too. So far I have played as Imperial Special Forces soldier on the ground, in an AT-AT and in a Tie Fighter; flown an X-Wing and been (at different times) Luke, Leia and Han. Han’s blaster is an amazing one-shot wonder (TWSS).

I like that a lot of the missions require (or can be better accomplished) using tactics, rather than just being quick on the joystick (NTTAWWT). Staying stealthy and picking off dumbass Stormtroopers from cover is more fun to me than running into the middle of the maelstrom and just blasting away.

A bit like posting in the TZ, I guess…

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Yep, fun gameplay and compelling story/characters.

I particularly liked the smartass ‘alien’ that accompanies Lando on some later missions.

Spoiler alert: you also get to play as Lando.

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I figure at this point I’m going to get to play as everyone. I assume I get to fly the Falcon, too, but I’m not quite there yet.

Also, do you get to play as Lando, or do you get to play as Lando…

Star Wars gaming peaked with “X-Wing vs TIE Fighter”


There’s an expansion pill, I mean pack, for that.

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I downloaded my first video game in 10+ years over the weekend. Eve Online. I gave up after 15 minutes in and I was still configuring my profile. Who has time for that nonsense?

Lots of people.

I finished the story mode in Star Wars: Battlefront 2. It was fun, but it was short (TWSS); understandable given that the game is more about the online pitched battles. I did try those again and, nope, can’t handle it. A minute of running to a fight, only to get smoked by Obi Wan Kenobi and having to start again back at the spawn point is not fun. At least it was only $4, but at 120GB I can see it getting deleted pretty soon.

I also finished (a little while ago), Spider-Man, and that game is tons of fun. I continue to pop into it every now and then to swing around NYC - which is beautifully rendered - and stomp some crooks (or dropkick them off buildings, which is hilarious). I haven’t achieved absolute completion, in that some of the challenges I have only silver rather than gold scores but some of the challenges are stupid/annoying so they’re going to stay where they are.

I don’t quite have all of the benchmarks completed, but it’s going to take a while for me to clock up another 200 50x combos on top of the 300 I have already, or freefall for another 20,000 metres to reach 100,000m. Lastly, I’ll never collect all the newspaper editions because the game doesn’t tell you that you’re supposed to start collecting them as you complete missions in the game, and now it’s too late.

Next up is either Spider-Man: Miles Morales, or Red Dead Redemption 2. The former is not a full game in its own right, but likely worthwhile before moving on to Spider-Man 2, which looks phenomenal. Morales has some different skills to Parker, and you play both in SM2.

RDR2 looks like a western version of Grand Theft Auto, so I might have a crack at that first. Spider-Man is a little too wholesome to play exclusively, while randomly shooting the common clay of the new west…you know…morons…appeals to my dark side. The game does seem to have a Jeckyl and Hyde nature; it seems you can kidnap people and then do things like throw them off a bridge or tie them down to the railroad tracks and wait for the 4 o’clock to come through.

It’s unmistakably a Rockstar game.

It’s also unlike anything else they’ve ever done.

I don’t know if it’s the best game ever, but I do know it’s the best game I’ll ever need to play.


As for SW BF II, your experience mirrored mine.

I really enjoyed the single player game. The smart ass alien who bickered with Lando needs to find his way into some of the TV offerings. Hell, the story was more coherent than the JJ Abrams movies.

I was out of my element in multiplayer. My “strategy” was to spawn in as a grunt and run like hell to a trench or some cover so I could see enemies coming. It worked infrequently.

SW BF 1 had missions you could play against the computer that were very fun. No story though.

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I second this. Saying it’s a western GTA is a disservice and I love GTA. They’re both open world but I don’t think the experience is the same at all.

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Single player?

Yes, single player.

(In the parlance RDR2 refers to single player, RDO is the online playground)

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