Video Games

I’m also old (and I’ve been out of the video game world for over 20 years).

Are there any online/PC games like this? I would love to play a game of Battle of the Bulge or Antietam again or any of the other hex based games from Ye Olde Gameyng days.

Lots. I tend to avoid them so that i can keep my law practice and marriage together. They have avalon style games that they have modified to play on your phone. Beware.
Im sure craig and others can give you many excellent ways to find your preparations for another assault of vicksburg to be interrupted by your morning alarm clock.

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Looked at reviews for BG3…going to pass. Seems like a good bit of the game is focused on sex with the other NPC characters. Saw a cutscene where a druid turns into a bear before fucking the PC. Genuinely glad this exists for those who want it. Just not my scene.

I had managed to keep my current game sexless by just not favoring any of the horndogs over another, and made it most of the way through the game before I broke down and fucked the mind flayer.


Slitherine Games publishes a ton of these games, though some of them are older and use weird game systems. But with the Steam sale going, I imagine there are some good deals. Once you find a game system or design that you like, you can look at the community that makes its own modifications. Like, the Panzer Corps games alone come full of content, but then you look at the modding community and there are campaigns for any war you can think of.


Laughed so hard at this. This is exactly what i would would do. So i dont. May the elder gods smile and bless your frolicks. Merry christmas squidfucker!


Was he wearing a lumberjack hat and flannel?

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No…but im sure if you search for bear+lumberjack+flannel youll find countless hours of viewing pleasure awaiting you. And as we speak someone is making a mod for this if they havent already for BG3.

I know nothing about BG3 but this is very sad to hear.

I played BG and BG2 w/ my (then) teenaged son. There was no sex. Maybe some of the female characters had absurdly impractical armor/clothing but that was happening everywhere.

Finished Spider-Man last night. Shockingly epic for a video game. The bosses were hard (natch), but the most annoying thing for me was catching all those fucking pigeons.


Did they really have to kill off Miles’ Dad and Aunt May?

Still, it’s lots of fun web-swinging around NYC and beating up crooks. So, while I have cleared all the bad guys’ bases and strongholds, in most of them I didn’t do it with the prescribed types of takedowns so I still have some clean-up to do.

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Re spoiler:


I really did not expect that in NWH until she started the speech

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In the game, Peter has acquired the only dose of the serum that can save the city from a deadly viral infection. It needs to be replicated for broad distribution, but Aunt May is already infected and on the verge of death. May won’t live long enough to receive a replicated dose, so Peter has to decide to save May or save everyone else.

Needs of the many, and all that, but it was still a gut-wrenching scene…in a fucking video game. He did get to shoot webs up MJ later on, though, so that was nice.

Also, why the fuck did NWH not end with a reprise of this?



Played a bunch of Fallen Order, and I’m not digging it. Don’t get me wrong, it is Star Wars. The look, sounds a music all make it so. But it’s about 90% treasure hunt of which about 60% of that is platforming, and that’s not for me.

I used to love playing the original Battlefront, so I have been tempted to jump in to the sequel. BF2 is itself getting long in the tooth, but I’m not worried about the online collaborative/competitive gameplay, I just want to shoot a bunch of dumbass Stormtroopers.

There does not appear to be a BF3 coming any time soon, so…

I enjoyed the SW BF2 single player campaign.

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It’s only $4. :man_shrugging:

Are you supposed to die within 10 seconds of joining the fight every time, or do I just suck?