Travel 2021

High-speed rail never gets grounded, FYI.

It also never gets built.


While billions get spent on roads and airports…


That has some very funny stuff in it.

But the turn at the end “you bought a ticket on Southwest, you don’t respect yourself why should we” was BS.

My guess is most people prior to the fiasco had generally favorable experiences flying Southwest.

The computer shit was hilarious though.


Yeah, I thought that was missing the mark; Southwest wasn’t a shitty experience end-to-end like Spirit or Frontier.

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Agreed. I loved those IBM ThinkPads

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I have Peacock Plus and since this summer I have been binging SNL starting in 86 or 87 when Phil Hartman and Dana Carvey began their run on the show, I’m now up to 2002 season. Will Farrell and Darrel Hammond are still there in 2002. I still like SNL and think it’s still the funniest show on network TV but compared to its past, it kind of sucks. I don’t think it has been really good since Bill Hader left.


Agreed with you and Limey, that joke felt about 30 years out of date. But otherwise I was laughing pretty hard.

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This season has been piss-poor, IMHO. Almost nothing is funny, including Weekend Update that was previously always reliable but now is mostly Jost and Che making in-jokes about themselves. The roll-ins are appalling.

I’m sure it’s harder to be funny in today’s climate when a writer must fear insulting collective sensibilities.

When do they just let the show die? It hasn’t been relevant in a long time.


Not since edgy became cringy.

When it stops printing money for them?


I don’t think that has anything to do with it. I think the more likely reasons are:

  1. There is a lot more competition for viewership than there was 15-20 years ago. There is also funnier stuff to watch.
  2. The novelty of performing a weekly live sketch show has waned. The production values (cheap sets, talent obviously reading off of teleprompters/cue cards) don’t compare favorably to other shows these days.

Just going by what Dana Carvey, David Spade, Bill Maher, and many other comedians and comedy writers have said.

The first of those ran out of bits long ago, and the other two I never found funny.


This seems like the opposite of how to win back customers:

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Near collision between a Southwest plane attempting to take off and a FedEx plane attempting to land on the same runway at ABIA…