The Void: 2022-23 Offseason

I am not a lawyer but I would imagine it also would open Crain up possible action from employees who were fired because of an agreement like that.

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One thought about the new rules this season:

With the restrictions on pitchers “disengaging”, should we expect to see catchers like Machete attempting more back pick throws?

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The Athletic said that this morning about Murphy. They even called it a “back pick,” which I had not heard before.

I assume so.

I’ve heard it called that for years

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Good. Just saying I never have.

Memories of big fielding plays during my years of playing youth and high school baseball are much more vivid than the memories of big hits. One of my fondest memories was a back pick to get the second out in the last inning of a championship game.

I always enjoyed throwing out runners. Probably more than getting on base myself.


My HS teams had numerous pickoff plays I took from my year coaching with Cliff Gustafson. The first team I had at Brenham thought I was smarter than a tree full of owls, but the plays actually were Coach G.’s which I learned from him.

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We had a few plays and signals with infielders. I once ended a 1-run game with the bases loaded by pitching out and throwing out some doofus dancing off of 3B. Third baseman gave me the sign, and I thought “man I hope this guy doesn’t hit the next pitch”. So I called a pitchout. The pitcher looked at it funny but then threw it without hesitation. He said afterwards “I was wondering what you were thinking, but then figured ‘alright, if that’s what you want’.”



I’ve never heard that expression before but I like it. Hope you don’t mind if I steal it.

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Be my guest. I stole it from Darrell Royal.

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My favorite play (in slow-pitch softball, mind you; I never played at any higher level than that) was to follow the runner down the first base line on a grounder. I could usually steal at least one extra out per game when the throw went wide and I fielded it and tagged out the surprised runner who had started too break for second. And maybe I liked those fielding highlights because I had so few offensive highlights.

My favorite Royalism was “more nervous than a long-tailed cat in a room full of rockin’ chairs.”

As to a punter who was only averaging about 35 yds per kick: “Old Ugly is better than Old Nothing.”


One of my early supervisors had several great sayings:
One tree shy of a hammock
Crazier than a road lizard
She doesn’t just have issues, she has the whole subscription.


I’ve always been partial to soup sandwich crazy (as in, you ever try to make a sandwich out of soup??).

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Oldie but a goodie, little brother.

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Those are gold.

I’m also partial to, “Nuttier than a squirrel turd…”