It’s the soccer stadium across the street from MMP, where the Dynamo and Dash play.
3 different names in the last 5 years
Not as bad as the first few years of Enron Field.
I get that now, I’d just never heard it called “Shell Energy Stadium” before.
Was it officially ever called the B.U.S? I remember it going from Enron to Astros Field to MMP
The LA Times is descending into chaos.
Late Thursday editorial board members Robert Greene and Karin Klein announced they were quitting. Mariel Garza, who was the leader of the Times’ editorial board had already left over the decision.
Greene, 65, won the Pulitzer Prize for editorial writing in 2021 after he successfully pushed LA officials to implement changes on issues like policing, bail reform, prisons, and more. He released a statement explaining his decision to leave the Times.
“I recognize that it is the owner’s decision to make,” he wrote regarding the blocked endorsement. “But it hurt particularly because one of the candidates, Donald Trump, has demonstrated such hostility to principles that are central to journalism-respect for the truth and reverence for democracy.”
No shit.
Meanwhile, Houston is about to destroy the record for Harris’ largest rally of the campaign.
The current record is 17,000, while the Houston venue seats 21,000 plus floor seats.
Event looks packed. Playlist waaaay better than Trump’s.
Event finally underway…with Jessica Alba.
So now I’m heading to my bunk.
“We’re not going back!” [Drink]
Meanwhile, Trump cuts a video from his jet to tell the audience at his event in Michigan - for which he’s already an hour late - that he’ll be another two hours late.
Yes I would bet that 100 people showed up! Lots of excitement in the room.
Seeing the number 30,000 bandied about. It certainly looked like that. The stage was on the pitch, every seat filled plus about half the pitch was covered for standing room.
Coincidentally, oligarch wannabe #2’s underlings were meeting with guess who -
A few years ago this would’ve been a skit on The Daily Show; now it’s our real lives.
That’s low-brow ageist BS and should be beneath them.
Trump was late for his Michigan rally because he spent three hours shooting the shit with Joe Rogan. This is his campaign being a perfect metaphor for a potential future administration, where his lack of discipline and selfishness leaves people hanging around in the cold while he indulges himself.
Interesting: they’ve had to drag Abbott into the Allred-Cruz fray. I’m still pretty sure Cruz wins, but they must be a bit worried.
Cruz won last time by only 216,000 votes. Since then we’ve had the Cancun debacle and Jan 6 (where Allred absolutely slaughters him with the storage closet anecdote).
Cruz really seems like a deer in the headlights this year; his only message seems to be transphobia. I’m not sure how many voters Abbott adds to the Cruz’ tally, if any.
The only thing Ted Cruz has going for him is the (R) by his name.