The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

And North Korean, presumably.


Putin, Lil’ Kim, the Ayatollahs, and Trump: four poison peas in a pod.

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A true Axis of Evil.

Throw in MBS and Netanyahu.


Chef’s Kiss!

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Despite what Marge has seen on Facebook, Dominion machines are not flipping votes in Georgia.

In the case that Greene cited, the voter in question had fat-fingered some races and ended up with some wrong elections on their ballot. They were able to re-do their ballot with their correct choices and that was that.

This is what I think (hope) the press’ polls are not seeing.



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Granted, I am not a hip hop aficionado, but without context, I would have bet folding money that “Yung Gravy” as a stage name came from an SNL sketch.

If the GOP takes complete control of Congress, “Yung Gravy” will be banned despite it being Mike Johnson’s favorite kind of gravy.

Trump’s love for Hitler gets Petesplained:

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Nobody cares what irrelevant Pete Buttkeg thinks.

Chronicle reporting Beyonce expected to appear. Willie too.

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At a “Georgia for Trump” event, Tucker “Didn’t We Cancel You a Bunch of Times Already So Why Are You Still Here?” Carlson exhorts fathers to beat their unruly daughters.

He does so using the most skin-crawlingly creepy language too. You have been warned.

The crowd, of course, eats it up.

This tracks with what I believe to be some weird ass daddy issues with Trump supporters.


For the most part, they’re cosplaying as “strong men” because in reality they’re wimps.


I had 38 foster kids come through the house. They suffered through the worst forms of abuse and neglect and their actions and behaviors in response to that trauma were predictable and heart-breaking. You know how many times “daddy” (me) had to come home and spank any one of them to get them to change their behaviors? Zero. Corporal punishment is the lazy way out.


The classic is when people say “I was spanked as a kid and I came out ok.”

Ummm…no. You’re ok with beating a child; you’re not ok.

ETA: Thank you for what you do, btw.


Especially given Tucker’s specific example is a grown ass man beating a “little girl.” Fucking sickos.


I was spanked as a kid and I turned out OK (BE QUIET) and it was an incredibly easy decision not to strike my son. It wasn’t even a decision, really, in that I never considered it. Plus, the threat of taking away his screens is far more effective than the threat of an ass whoopin.

I wonder if in fifty years restricting access to digital media is going to be considered a shockingly cruel relic of the past. Or maybe people will just be roaming an endless desert landscape searching for water and won’t have time for that sort of foolishness anymore.