The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

When I posted that the guy intended to kill Trump you made excuses. I literally posted what you said. You asked “was this really an assassination attempt?”. What the heck did you think it was?

And why the name calling? I didn’t call you anything. I merely pointed out your lies and the fact that you made excuses for the person who intended to kill Trump and downplayed the whole situation to make it not sound as serious as it was. If you are upset about that, maybe you shouldn’t have made excuses for the guy with the gun and questioned his motives. It does make you look pretty stupid.

This is what I wrote. Nowhere in there am I “taking up for the shooter” or “making excuses for him.” I’m concluding that you’re either a dishonest POS or have a severe reading comprehension problem. The fact that you double down on your shit take is further evidence it’s one or the other.

Yes re read what you posted a little slower. Then stop and think about what you posted. Maybe read it another time after that. Maybe that will help you. I said that the guy intended to kill Trump and you questioned if he actually was because he was 500 yards away. You downplayed the situation and tried to dispute what I posted, which was that I thought the guy intended to kill Trump. Go ahead and call me another name if it makes you feel better. I’m not going to call you anything.

Much like JBM, here is another example of someone making excuses for the guy who intended to kill Trump and downplaying the situation.

You’re so full of shit with your revisionist crap: part of why no one ever “discusses” your points with you. You were yapping about how the press and Democrats led to the incident, by portraying Trump as a threat to Democracy. You said that they were “fueling hate.”

I responded to that misinformation, and added an observation about whether this was an actually an “attempt.” Now you’re saying your point was all about whether the guy intended to kill Trump. That wasn’t your point, and my rebuttal was therefore not about the guy’s intent either.

Basically, you might be a decent person in real life, but you’re incredibly dishonest on this board.

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Nothing I said about that was a lie. The media does fuel hate and drives people to violence. They share some responsibility for making people hate Trump enough to want to take a shot at him. If people don’t see that, they are being dishonest or simply don’t want to believe it because they are a Democrat. This is literally the only thread on the forum that I have very many disagreements with people on here. I would be willing to bet that you wouldn’t find many (if any) of my baseball related posts that you disagree with.

I see you are trying to backtrack. You questioned whether it was an assassination attempt and I merely pointed out that it was silly to question that. The news coming out today further outlines the guy’s motives, which should have been obvious, but apparently not for some (you and Limey).

On paper, Trump lost $160 million today. In reality, if he tried to sell even a fraction of his holding in DJT, the price would crater to zero. His entire holding is basically worthless.

Screenshot 2024-09-23 at 3.52.39 PM


This week, Jack Smith will be filing his brief as to why the Jan 6 case against Trump survives the SCOTUS immunity decision. It’s expected to be 180 pages containing a shit ton of evidence previously not available to the public.

Smith has filed a request with Judge Chutkan to allow the oversized brief, stating that he has so much evidence to show that it’s going to take that many pages.

ETA: The bad news is that Smith has also asked to file the full brief under seal because there is a lot of sensitive information and separately, a redacted brief for public viewing.

Poor Jack Smith. He has nothing and he is desperate.

This isn’t immigration policy, this is ethnic cleansing.

The Republican presidential nominee posited that under his potential second administration, he would round up and mass-deport noncitizens based on their “serial numbers.”

I imagine the numbers will be tattooed on their forearms.

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If he does that, they should all come back legally and would be welcomed to do so.

Trump thinks that saying shit like this is going to repair his standing with women voters.

At this point, Trump is ahead with white voters - and only white voters - and only by dint of being so far ahead with white men that it overrides him being behind with white women. He is losing every other demographic whichever way you slice it, including seniors.

Meanwhile, Bernie Moreno - the used car dealer tapped by the GOP to unseat Sherrod Brown in Ohio - is on tape at a campaign event making jokes about women over 50 not having to worry about abortions. I’m sure that’ll feature in a Brown campaign ad in three…two…

Good for them.

The Chandra Law Firm says the nonprofit used a state statute allowing private citizens to “file an affidavit charging the offense committed.”

The court must have a hearing before rejecting the affidavit as part of the legal process.

So Trump and Vance will have to go to court in Ohio to defend their crazy rants about Haitians eating pets. Totally normal.

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Team Trump filed a response that read, in part, “Whaaaaaaaaaaaaah!”

This afternoon, Judge Chutkan granted Smith all the pages he needs.

She commented that SCOTUS has charged her with adjudicating the impact that the immunity case has on all the evidence, so she needs to see all the evidence. “Du’uh” she didn’t add because she didn’t need to.

Fun Fact: Chutkan called out Team Trump for - once again - going off about anything and everything that hurts their butts, without actually addressing the issue at hand. She pointed out that, in the entirety of their response, only one sentence addressed the brief size limitation waiver.

Trump demands Johnny Carson be returned as the Tonight Show host. Carson died 19 years ago.

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They are going to sell it all. Lock, stock, the fucking lot.


You hate to see it.

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Does this mean we’re going back to the days where he cruises around Austin with a speaker on his car?

What car? What speaker?