The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

That motherfucker will never learn a lesson. It’s just a phrase he’s heard.


Musk is an entitled baby who throws a hissy fit when he doesn’t get what he wants. Case in point: moving Tesla’s headquarters from California to Texas during the pandemic because California wouldn’t life COVID restrictions like he wanted.

Now, he’s an incredibly dangerous entitled baby because of his public support for Donald Trump and actively pushing that narrative on X.

Trump gunman has been arraigned for the technical federal gun crimes of possessing a firearm as a felon and possessing a firearm with a defaced serial number.

Waiting for the NRA and the 2nd Ammendment (sic) crowd to rally to his defense.

Here is a little info about the shooter. Here is also a picture of his home. If you’ll notice, his truck has a Biden Harris sticker on it. No surprise there.

Blah fucking blah. I’m not even sure what your point is. Is it your typical “everyone is out to get my leader” grievance. Or is it some conspiratorial BS that he was activated by some hidden deep state? Coming from you a Democratic deep state, for sure.

By the way, that might be his truck, or it might not, who knows, but that picture wasn’t even in the article you posted, an article by the way that didn’t advance any deep state, or even political motivation BS.

The press is also questionable here. Was this really an “assassination attempt”? The guy was 500 yards away from Trump with a gun. I wonder how many people have been within 500 yards of Biden or Harris with a gun?

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If this guy hadn’t been a total nutcase with a mile long rap sheet and hadn’t obscured the serial number on his rifle - if he’d just been a regular old John or Jane Doe - he would not have been chargeable with any crime.

That’s how fucked up America’s gun laws are.

ETA: The Secret Service confirmed that they opened fire on Routh without identifying themselves and without Routh firing. Could he have returned fire under the “stand your ground” law?

Actually, it was. Scroll through the pictures on the News Nation article. The guy is clearly a Democrat supporter and Trump hater. All of the rhetoric that is being used against Trump is fueling crap like this. Literally every article about Trump that is written by the liberal media is intended to turn people against him and it is fueling hate.

Since your attention to detail and reading comprehension is severely lacking (not unusual for Democrats so don’t feel bad), here is where that picture was located on the News Nation website.

Well if the guy is pointing an AK47 at President Trump, it’s safe to say that he wasn’t out collecting for the Red Cross. Basically from your point of view, the Secret Service should have let the guy open fire, possibly killing President Trump and then shoot back. That isn’t how they are trained to protect the President.

Go ahead and finish your sentence. “The guy was 500 yards away from Trump with a gun aimed at him.”

You are leaving bits of information out intentionally to try to make the situation look less serious.

You’re missing the point. Nobody is trying to minimize the seriousness of the situation. Limey was trying to point out that our gun laws are so ridiculously lax that somebody without a rap sheet or a gun whose serial number was filed off might actually stand a chance of getting off without charges.



I figured saying “That’s how fucked up America’s gun laws are” might be a bit of a tell.

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Did he though?

From a NYT article:
“The defendant, Ryan Wesley Routh, 58, did not have Mr. Trump in his sightline and did not fire his semiautomatic rifle during the confrontation with the Secret Service on Sunday afternoon, the agency’s acting director, Ronald Rowe, said at a news conference.”

Also, not that it matters much, but you had to scroll right through a bunch of pictures in your link to find the truck picture, which it was never stated it was his truck, but I’ll stipulate that he had a Biden sticker on his truck. So what?

The guy runs a construction business. It’s his truck. He’s a radicalized Democrat who was hiding in the bushes with his gun barrel rested through the chain link fence. Democrats have created problems like this with the hate they promote towards President Trump.

Everyone turns to “The Onion” when they want accurate news articles.


The unsubstantiated hyper-conservative narrative that Routh was radicalized by the liberal media does not appear to be confirmed by any credible info. Not from his family and not from his ravings online. Instead, they reveal a person that voted for Trump in 2016 and became disillusioned by his actions in office and eventually came to despise him writing, “I will be glad when you [are] gone.”


No, a Democrat donor and voter who urged Iran to assassinate President Trump isn’t radical. Forgive me.

The problem is the one sided liberal media lying daily about everything Trump does. Their main goal is to get everyone to hate Trump. They have succeeded with most liberals as is clearly evidenced here. The hate that is spewed from the crooked liberal media daily triggers people who are very disturbed individuals like the idiot who was just arrested. There are people who legitimately want to see Trump assassinated. They need to cool it with the one sided hate.

The U.S. Attorney in charge of the investigation into the golf course gunman is an immigrant from Haiti. Conversations with the alleged target are going to be awkward.

You’re a brain-washed sap. The kid who tried to kill Trump just wanted attention. He searched out Biden also. He wasn’t a Democrat and certainly didn’t get his desire for fame from “one-sided media.” This guy on Sunday voted for Trump in 2016, and no longer supported him. There is no indication that his current feelings towards Trump are a result of a “one-sided media” either.

Ironically, you are the one dishonestly misleading about threats to Trump and their causes, no doubt fed by the fever-dream sites you consume daily, which are the proverbial “one-sided media.” Give it up; your constant dishonesty is tiresome.

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