The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Have you read this thread? He obviously doesn’t, just parrots bs he is fed from MAGAt grifters. Incapable of a coherent thought and lacking the intellect to realize he’s been duped.

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There’s almost a near certainty that the stupidest thing I’ll encounter each day is a post by him.


Glad to see you remembered to close your mouth during the recent rains.

I’m the only person in this thread who isn’t fooled by the crooked liberal media. It’s a shame how some people are brainwashed.

Poor Navin, he’s a little sensitive. Whining like a little school girl. Let me know your address and I’ll mail you some tissues.

I add them all the time. Maybe you would prefer conspiracy theories like Limey posts?

Just in case you weren’t familiar with what a horrendous cunt Laura Loomer is, here’s a short clip.

These are the words being whispered into the ear of the GOP nominee.

This week in the GOP:

  • Trump finger-banged a 9/11 Truther at a 9/11 Memorial service (and it wasn’t Melania)
  • Trump’s 9/11 date outed Lindsey Graham and called MTG a racist
  • Liz Cheney all-but outed JD Vance, calling him (paraphrasing) a woman-hater in make-up

And none of this had anything to do with the debate catastrophe.

GOP Will Eat Itself

Jeff Walz’s family knows what kind of person he is. His family is all voting Trump.

You hate to see it…

Then again, are we even surprised the QOP/right is such a collective bunch of whack-job loons?

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I thought they didn’t care what celebrities thought? Oh yeah, that is another one of the MAGAt lies.

Sec. Pete is one of the smartest politicians on the planet.

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The Trump campaign has spent today throwing Loomer under the bus, backing up and running over her again.

Just in case anyone still had an inkling of a hint of a thought that somehow they will be the one to gain from their association with Trump.

There’s so much insanity here but I think my favorite part is, as one of the comments mentions, that Trump thinks north to south is downhill.

Nearly half this country is stupid and moronic enough to believe donny’s nonsensical and perpetual bullshit/lies, so that’s how this race is sadly close.
But hey, ‘Merica.


Why do you think the GOP has been working to destroy education? It’s not an accident.



The nearly 60 yr old crusade by the right in this country to erode and destroy the vibrant, successful, progressive and prosperous post WWII New Deal middle class economy is finally here.


Their whole goal is to ruin every public institution and replace it with their hedge fund overlords.


Not fake.


I’m guessing his team finally got around to telling him about the voter registration surge. Given that his path to victory relies on winning numerous states by a cunt hair, 10,000 new voters here and 10,000 new voters there could be devastating to his chances.

Does he know Taylor Swift is not a dude?