The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

So, Trump has ruled out another debate. While there is a high likelihood that she would destroy him, or he destroy himself, I’m happy with Trump’s cowardly decision as I just don’t see much upside for Harris. If the populace can’t make the proper decision based on the info they have, then we deserve our fate.


This is the most disturbing part of the whole thing.


I’m pretty sure that most “undecideds” are just embarrassed Trump voters who are waiting for Harris to give them excuse on which to hang their Trump vote. Harris’ path to victory involves turning out new voters.

Luckily for Harris, Trump helps her in that regard. This is why things like the Taylor Swift endorsement hurt him so much (Swift reiterated her call to her fans to vote at the VMAs last night).


This is terrifying.

Why would Trump debate Kamaltoe? He clearly beat her and the two moderators. No need to debate someone who lost and made a fool out of herself.

I imagine that Swift’s catalog has to be chock full of clips that the Harris campaign can use.

I don’t think we watched the same debate

Laura Loomer has insinuated herself into being Trump’s muse, and she is a horrific, unabashed, unvarnished and unhinged racist.

She is currently engaged in an extended fight with Marjorie Taylor Green on Xitter in which Greene is the sane one. She is also traveling with Trump constantly now, her even accompanying him to the 9/11 memorial service despite being a 9/11 “truther”.

Trump is refusing to let go of the dog-eating nonsense; repeating it again today as if it was still a legit story. Her being Wormtongue to Trump’s Théoden is terrifying.


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Only the best people.

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As if I needed another reason to despise that orange waste of skin.
What an unpatriotic fuck.

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This is a dramatization of how they are in my brain.

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Polls - both pre- and post-debate - show Harris solidifying and expanding her lead nationally, and catching up/expanding leads in swing states. As always, you can’t take the polls as definitive, but you can take inferences from how the campaigns are spending money.

The “blue wall” looks to be holding, with PA being the only one where Trump is close. With the likes of MI and WI likely out of reach, Trump is left with a single path to 270, which is to hold the sun belt while winning back AZ, GA and PA. For validation of that theory, the Harris campaign is outspending Trump’s in the swing states, with the exception of GA and PA, which they are spending roughly equally.

Conversely, Harris has multiple paths to 270, and her options are expanding. In North Carolina, FiveThirtyEight’s polling average has Harris ahead by 0.3%, and a win there for her would pretty much box out Trump from getting to 270 regardless of AZ, GA and PA. She spent yesterday speaking at multiple, sold out rallies around the state.

Trump won NC in 2020 by 70,000 votes out of 5.5 million (1.3%). So now NC is added to the list of must win states for Trump. This is forcing his campaign to spend money there too; money it doesn’t have. Meanwhile, Harris’ campaign raised $45 million during the debate on Tuesday.

In a normal world, we are at the point when a functioning political party would cut bait on the White House and focus on retaining the House and winning control of the very winnable Senate. But the co-chair of the RNC, when she’s not challenging the limits of autotune, is Lara Trump.

He is going to incinerate money that should be spent on wining the Senate seats in Ohio and Montana (and shoring up Cruz and Flordimort), and there is nothing the party can do to stop him.

Everything Trump touches dies.

Trump reiterated his Springfield lies at his Arizona rally yesterday. Today, elementary schools in Springfield are being evacuated due to threats.

Fun Fact #1: OH is a state that Trump has to win to get to 270.

Fun Fact #2: At his AZ rally - another state Trump has to win to get to 270 - he thought he was in PA.

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Another fun fact, Limey doesn’t know what he is talking about. He loves to make up a good sounding conspiracy theory.

This is going to make a huge difference down the stretch.



Trump getting pummeled at a California press conference about his association with Loomer. Both the fact that he is associating with a vicious racist whack job, and also the nature of his association with her.

Disgustingly, Trump has been flaunting her the way he flaunted Marla Maples while still married to Ivana. Evangelicals…you seeing this?

Harris’ media staff have been feverishly clipping sound bites and sharing them.

Somewhere, Gary Hart is screaming into a cushion.


Certainly great news for Harris, but it absolutely ludicrous that the country is spending that much on any election. But as long as the current GOP is around, we will never see an end to pissing ridiculous amounts of money away on elections. So many better things that money could go towards.


I’m more interested in where the money is being spent, than how much there is.

However, I do acknowledge it is useful information.