The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Why would anyone care what the liberal Swift thinks?

The news about illegal immigrants killing and eating animals is hardly new. This has been going on for a while.

Ride a painted pony, Gerbie!



Why are you so weird just in this thread?

There are so many funny takes tonight.

Iā€™m not being weird. I just think it is weird that people care who a singer is voting for.

Glad to see that you are still reading my political posts. I hope they warm your heart.

Spin, Gerbie, spin! Keep your eye on the Red Man prize!

You should look into some sort of cream to apply to your butt to aid in healing you being butt hurt from me making you look like a fool several years ago.

Hey maybe youā€™ll luck out and get a $10 gift certificate for HSN on top of the Red Man, splash out and get yourself a boot, belt or pocket clip for your buck knife.

I discovered that despite the fact that whoever the admin dumbfuck was that changed my engagement with this thread so that Gerbieā€™s ignored posts are no longer enumerated or visible as ignored posts to me in my feed, all I have to do to dismiss the seven spinning wheel posts he submits sequentially when triggered, the poor snowflake, all I have to do is post in the thread and poof they all go away.

So letā€™s all celebrate unintended consequences.


I really donā€™t know why poor Chuck is so butt hurt. I donā€™t know Chuck personally and donā€™t care to know him personally. It is my understanding that he is not like the way he posts and tries to create a fake persona that he posts with. Iā€™ve been around this board since the mid 90ā€™s. Heā€™s long had the reputation of being a big whiner. He goes on and on about things when they donā€™t go to suit him. If someone hits a home run off of one of our pitchers, he goes into a tantrum, pulls a hissy fit and wants the pitcher released. If one of our hitters chases a slider down and away, he pulls a hissy fit thinking that the manager is crazy for playing a hitter who could possibly have a bad at bat. I find it rather amusing. Keep on doing your thing, Chuck.

Kamala didnā€™t do anything to support her candidacy. She didnā€™t directly answer questions. She has no plan. Her only plan was ā€œorange man bad.ā€ Nothing happened last night that will influence the race.

In a debate where there were so many viral moments for Harris, this Trump self-own should not be overlooked.

In a clearly planned moment, Trump tried to callback to Harrisā€™ ā€œIā€™m speakingā€ slap down of Pence, and he completely fucked it up. Even if there had been people in the room, you wouldā€™ve heard crickets.

Youā€™re resorting to quoting the Daily Signal? Did the World Net Daily or the Flat Earth Weekly go woke on you?


$DJT opened below $16 this morning, down 15% since [checks notes] yesterday.

Just like Arwen and The One Ring, $DJTā€™s fate is tied to Donald Trumpā€™s. And $DJT is dying.

Apologies for not posting a liberal news source to satisfy you. A liberal news source would never tell the American people the truth on infanticide.

Not to blow my own trumpet, butā€¦

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Yeah virtually none of what you said happened. Our resident conspiracy theorist is hard at work today.