The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Good. Buying his 13-year-old son an AR-15 after authorities first contacted him and his son to investigate school shooting threats made online is disgusting, and he should be held criminally liable.

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It’s ok to admit I’m right, HH. You know I’m right. The deranged idiot would have found a gun if he wanted to kill someone. Much like the lunatic who shot Trump.

You’re wrong. You can spin around in circles, making up as many whacked hypotheticals as you want to justify giving assault weapons to minors who’ve already acknowledged they’re going to kill people with it, but you’re still wrong, both logically and morally. As usual.


I don’t understand the mindset that says if we can’t do something that completely solves the problem then there’s no point in doing anything at all. It’s ok to take moderate steps whose compounded effect will lead to a better situation in 10 or 20 years.

And while we’re on the subject, if it’s ok to require registration and id to vote, why isn’t that ok for firearm ownership? Voting is just as sacrosanct in the Constitution as the right to bear arms. And why shouldn’t the issuing authorities for both id’s be co-located, so that it’s just as easy (or hard) to get one as the other?

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That’s not the “mindset”, that’s the convenience excuse. This “logic” isn’t applied across the board. Furthermore, the argument that “guns don’t kill people, people kill people” only applies to…well, guns and killing people. They don’t use the same logic when it comes to say drugs. Or anything else they don’t like. Such as brown people.


Because it doesn’t make sense.

Republicans don’t like abortions: Ban abortions!
Republicans don’t like certain books: Ban books!

Everyone else wants to ban guns: Bans don’t work!

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Trump had a bad day yesterday. Today isn’t looking so good either:

The political adage goes that “if you’re explaining, you’re losing.” For Trump it needs to be updated to “if you’re explaining an accusation of sexual assault - no, not that one, another one - you’re losing.”

You’re smarter than that. If someone wants to kill people, they are going to steal, borrow, do whatever is necessary to get a gun. I don’t agree with a minor getting an assault weapon as a “gift.” That isn’t smart. However, the weapon has to have been registered to the father. He probably should receive some kind of punishment. The whack job that shot Trump took someone else’s gun to shoot him. It’s really a mental problem more than a gun problem.

If people want to sell drugs, they’re going to sell drugs so laws against it are pointless. If people want to swim the Rio Grande they’re gonna swim the Rio Grande so attempts to stop it are pointless. If people want to drive 160 mph down the freeway they’re gonna drive 160 mph down the freeway so speed limits are pointless. If people want to rob a bank, they’re gonna rob a bank so guarding banks is pointless. You’re advocating for no laws or rules whatsoever because there is always someone wanting to break them. Yours is literally the dumbest argument one can make.


Judge Merchan has postponed sentencing in Trump’s NY fraud conviction until after the election, while also saying that everyone deserves equal treatment under the law.

So sentence him and allow him to remain on bail pending appeal. That’s literally what the law does for anyone (who can afford a lawyer - everyone else gets locked up immediately).

Justice delayed is justice denied. This is so frustrating.

You said it, I didn’t. There are gun laws. You act as if there are no laws regarding the purchase and use of firearms. I would advise that you read up on gun laws and educate yourself better before making feeble attempts at insulting people. If those laws are broken, people should be held responsible. Democrats would like to take guns away from people. That is incredibly stupid and unconstitutional.

Meanwhile, in his rambling 1-hour word buffet outside a courtroom where he is trying to get out from under the ~$90 million he owes to E. Jean Carroll for defaming her, he defamed her.

To be fair to Trump, he defamed a number of other women while he was at it.

If you are looking for one of those, you might listen to Harris.

Why? Your posts are right here.

Mine are perfectly logical and easy to comprehend. Harris starts a sentence and has no clue how it is going to end.

This didn’t age well.

Dick Cheney is voting for Harris according to Liz.

Pretty sure that pops the Seventh Seal.


Apparently Liz Cheney has endorsed Allred over Cruz.


Screenshot 2024-09-06 at 4.41.17 PM

Screenshot 2024-09-06 at 4.41.53 PM


That’s pretty big. Wonder if any of the rest of her father’s sordid administration will join her.