The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Shooter is 14. The parents should be facing some very serious questions from law enforcement.

In addition to an assault weapons ban and universal background checks, there should be a requirement for safe storage and consequences for failure to comply. If you can afford an AR-15, you can afford to keep it securely. If you can’t afford a way to secure the weapon, you cannot afford the weapon.


There’s also only one candidate who speaks about “preserving” the 2nd Amendment…from behind bullet-proof glass.


If Democrats had their way, citizens would have no firearms. They would not be able to protect their homes and families. I believe Alan Ladd in Shane said it best. A gun is a tool, no better or worse than the person using it.

The same candidate who’d run into a school shooting among a hail of gunfire?


I just saw the remarks of a local senior law enforcement officer (didn’t catch his title). He was clearly shocked and shaken by what had happened, in part because his own kids are in the local school system.

But one thing he said struck me. He said that he never imagined that he would be responding to something like this, and my immediate thought was “why not?”

Any law enforcement officer with a school in their jurisdiction needs to imagine this because, until something changes, it can and will happen again. And it can happen in their jurisdiction.

The kids know this. They know that their school can and might be next and, by extension, that they can and might be the next victim. It is the denial of the obvious and real threat by adults that is a big part of the problem.


This is intriguing. Clearly there is something that the campaign knows has leaked and is having a shit-fit about it. :popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:

Also, it’s absolutely hilarious that an internal campaign email about not leaking to the press…was immediately leaked to the press.

This is spot on.


Russian Interference Part Dvah:

Right wing influencers like Tim Pool and Tucker Carlson were being funded directly by Russian entities to spread Russian propaganda as talking points for Republicans.

Among a number of Russian nationals, the DOJ has charged two lower-level employees of Tenet Media - ostensibly a front company for Russian propaganda efforts - but two senior executives remain unnamed, suggesting that they are cooperating and that there is more to come. Maybe this time they will finish the investigation and see how deep this shit hole goes.

Fun Fact: Tucker’s ridiculous supermarket sweep video from Russia nearly didn’t see the light of day, because his Russian handlers thought it too stupid for Americans to believe. But they put it out anyway and proved that you should never underestimate the gullibility of the red hat brigade.


This is a two-fer:

  1. He forgets that he’s running against “her”, not “him” (pronouns do matter).

  2. He is desperate to repair the damage in New Hampshire from the campaign leak that said the state is unwinnable for him. Of course, he does it in the most Trumpian way, by insulting the very voters in NH that he wants to attract.

Fun Fact: In the entire Town Hall event, with a live audience to ask questions, the number of questions Trump took from the audience was [checks notes] zero.

Judge Chutkan is presiding over the Jan 6 case scheduling hearing today. She has advised the players that there will not be a decision today, but she will make one very quickly (and if history is anything to go by, she means quickly).

Team Trump confirmed that he will plead “not guilty” to the charges in the new indictment.

Team The People has said that they will have a motion to defend their case - basically laying out all the evidence they have against Trump to show that it is not impacted by the immunity decision - ready to go in 2-3 weeks. This motion would, of course, be in public.

October surprise, anyone?

Chutkan hopes to get her order out today. She left Team Trump with a flea in its ear, pointing out that they can work on this and other motions concurrently (Team Trump wants to litigate everything except immunity first, in serial).

Team Trump was desperate to head off Team The People’s proposal to dish the goods on Trump. “We’re in the middle of an election,” they mansplained. “So what?” said Chutkan.

Team The People made the case for speed here, pointing out that Team Trump filed a 52-page motion over immunity in the NY fraud case within 9 days of the SCOTUS ruling, so they can move when they want to.

Team Trump asked for permission to address the court. Chutkan allowed them to make a brief statement, but commented that she does not want to hear any more rhetoric. “It’s not rhetoric, it’s called legal argument,” shot back Team Trump, before pricking on about the illegality of the special prosecutor.

Chutkan also had to remind Team Trump that their client is not the president.

This shows how transparent the Russian influence-peddling deal was…

Screenshot 2024-09-05 at 11.42.31 AM

…and how much the Feds must know.


Things aren’t looking good for Harris. Every time she opens her mouth, it exposes how dumb she is. It’s looking more and more likely that Trump will cruise to victory.

Democrats are frantically trying to influence the election but it won’t work. People are seeing this politically motivated case for what it is; election interference.

Democrats are seeing that the enthusiasm for Harris is declining rapidly. People simply just aren’t excited about her.

Polls are awesome when they tell you what you want to believe.

August campaign fundraising numbers are out:

$300M Harris/Walz
$130M Trump/Vance

This will make a difference down the stretch.

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Limey loves liberal polls.

You are absolutely correct. Columbine occurred in 1999, and school shootings have only become more common. Has this senior law enforcement officer lived under a rock the last 25 years?

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I’m not holding my breath, but I hope these Russian assets get the book thrown at them by the DOJ.


Not while Garland is running the shop.