The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

I’ve discounted this scenario, but probably shouldn’t. I tend the think the world acts rationally, but always forget that corruption is inherently rational.


Musk has lost $40 billion (so far) on his purchase of Twitter because some of the posters on there hurt his feelings. When so much wealth is concentrated with so few individuals, rationality has long disappeared in the rear view mirror.

I think even the SEC would notice that.

Doing the dumbest and most illegal thing possible is Trump’s S.O.P.

You think he gives a shit what the SEC thinks? Hell, it wouldn’t surprise me if they cook up a plan just to spite the SEC. “oh yeah, fucking sue me. Get in line.”

His benefactor(s) might. They will still have money left after the smoke clears from all this nonsense. Sanctions by the SEC could hurt more than any loss they take on Trump.

School shooting in Georgia.

This assumes the SEC has the wherewithal to root out the source of the funds. There could be investment entities, backed by a web of LLCs or similar, created just for this purpose. So, the SEC pops one company with a sanction… ok, well they have another company over here holding a hedge against any foreseen enforcement issues and/or resulting price action.

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Yeah. The SEC is about as useful as a chocolate teapot.

And barely more useful than you and your deranged, inaccurate and biased political posts.

In FAFO news, Shay Moss and Ruby Freeman have filed a motion against Rudi Colludi in federal court in NY for him to hand over his condos, apartments, cars, jewelry, memorabilia (including WS rings) and a long list of anything he owns of value.

Giuliani had been trying to hide behind bankruptcy, but he fucked around with that too, such that the court dismissed his filing leaving him unprotected from creditors. So now it’s a free-for-all on the rotting carcass that is Giuliani’s life, so Moss and Freeman are laying down their marker to get what’s theirs.

Fun Fact: One of Giuliani’s “assets” is a $2 million bill for legal fees to Trump that has gone thus far unpaid (race you to the fainting couch). So if that asset ends up in the hands of Moss and Freeman, they will be able to sue Trump for the settlement of the bill, plus interest presumably.

At least 4 dead and 9 wounded in Georgia high school shooting. Shooter in custody.

Just awful. These types of stories make me sick. Mass shootings in America need to stop.


Said every sane person for the past, what, 30+ years? Until we have sane gun laws this is going to keep happening.


Probably some crazed Democrat again.

Yeah, but this isn’t the time to talk about gun control, thoughts and prayers, something, something gazpacho.
Did I get that right?

I honestly gave up on any meaningful effort to curb or stop gun violence and the epidemic that it is on this country after the Newtown massacre in ‘12.
If innocent children being slaughtered didn’t move the needle, what will?


At least you can pack at the State Fair now, thanks to Paxton’s eternal vigilance. That ought to help keep those OU mouth breathers in line.

I’m aware nothing is going to change and that saddens/upsets me. It’s a large part of the reason my wife and I homeschool our nine-year-old daughter. I know these things are random, but I’m not taking the chance.

Gee, I feel safer already.
Thanks, Ken!

Just like I feel “safer” with some of the chucklefucks I’ve flown with over the years who are Federal Flight Deck Officers/FFDOs and pack in the cockpit. Sadly, too many of them are trigger happy dimwits who have a hero complex and are the last person I’d ever want being the, “last line of defense” in prevent high jacking.

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It brings into stark relief one of the many, many contrasts between the two presidential candidates. One wants to eliminate assault weapons while the other tells the bereaved and survivors to “get over it”.


Even Walz’s family knows that he is a lying fool.