The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

That old boy’s looking a little moist lately.


The rumor is that insiders are starting to offload their positions ahead of Trump’s embargo ending on Sept 25.

Trump has over 100 million shares and could destroy the stock price if he tries to unload even a fraction of that.

I can’t imagine he’d try to dump any real quantity at the first opportunity, he’s notorious for his self-discipline.


He has money people. I’m pretty sure he’s not that dumb, even as dumb as he is.

ETA: he won’t sell after the embargo.

Waiting a day after his first chance won’t help him at all, IMO. The dynamics of that “stock” are set in stone: the big money guys who used it as a vehicle to funnel him money don’t care (their work is done), and the dumbshit cultists are too stupid to ever sell it. I’d be surprised if there’s been much activity in the stock since its listing, other than activity generated by short sellers. All this to say, I fully expect him to sell at first chance.

Thank you for context on a subject I do not understand.


C-Suite executives up to and including Devin Nunes have collectively sold off $millions of the stock in recent times. The rubes won’t sell obviously, but everyone not fully entrenched in the cult is cutting bait because they see Trump losing the election, which removes any faint chance there was of the stock doing anything other than shrink to zero.

Vance thinks women have value only as vessels for making babies.

A theory I saw posited that Vance doesn’t see value in women otherwise because he’s closeted gay. In his book, he wrote about thinking he was gay as a young man, but that he was talked out of it by his grandmother.

Masking his true self would explain all the awkwardness.

Parties in the Jan 6 case against Trump filed a joint status report - as instructed by the judge - to present their proposals as to how to move forward with the case following the SCOTUS immunity decision. The judge specifically asked both sides to weigh in on a process to adjudicate what, if anything, is immune and what is not.

Team Trump, predictably, whined over 8 pages about anything and everything; proposing a whole series of things to be adjudicated over an extraordinarily stretched timeline, all of which having to be done before getting to immunity. So basically, they failed to respond to the judge’s specific instructions.

Jack Smith said, in 2 pages, that he is ready - right now - to file with the court all of the unplead evidence in the case. There can then be a hearing over what items of evidence are struck out due to immunity and what survives.

Just to be clear, the “unplead evidence” is everything Smith presented to the grand jury but which has not been included - plead - in the indictments. That includes the sworn testimony of everyone subpoenaed up to and including Mike Pence. There are multiple witnesses who blew off the Jan 6 Committee subpoenas, but could not avoid testifying to the grad jury. Basically, it’s all the goods.

There is a hearing on Thursday next week (Sept 5) where the two sides will argue their respective pitches. Given that only one side actually responded to the court, it could be a short hearing. As a non-lawyer, it seems to me that it will be difficult for Team Trump to argue - credibly - that they should be pursuing all their grievance issues around the edges of the case when immunity has the potential to kick out some or all of the indictments against Trump.

Hopefully, Judge Chutkan will be unswayed by Team Trump’s obvious delay tactics and swayed by the fact that Smith inferred that he just has to hit “submit” to file all the evidence with the court, at which point it comes into the public domain. Chutkan may rule on the day, or may take a day or two to decide. However, she is famous for not letting things slide, so it’s very possible that we get to see all the goods on Trump’s Jan 6 activities as soon as mid-September.

This is all the product of Trump’s immunity appeal, so I do not see a way that he can stop these wheels from turning. SCOTUS ordered this process to be carried out, and now all of the evidence against Trump will be revealed to the public without his lawyers having the chance (yet) to cross examine the witnesses. They did this to themselves.

This is some insightful shit.


Much is being made of Trump admitting, this weekend in an interview, to interfering in the 2020 election. Many are treating it as a smoking gun, but it’s not quite as simple as that. The running motif through all of Trump’s defenses isn’t that he’s innocent, it’s that he’s allowed. Same here, so the admission has a lot less influence than if it had been made by a non-serial offender.

What the press, notably, missed was the obvious follow-up: so it’s ok if Biden or Harris interfere in the 2024 election? Not according to Trump who has threatened to lock them up for stuff they haven’t even done.

The real impact of the statement is that it can be played for the jury in his criminal trial. And, unlike in the media, his defense cannot play contradictory statements in his defense. At trial, the only person who can refute, explain or even try to reframe the statement is Trump himself. His defense cannot enter into evidence any other statement or have anyone other than Trump explain what he meant; and it has to be done in the form of sworn testimony on the stand.

So Jack Smith gets to play it, drop the mic and sit down. Daring Team Trump to put the defendant on the stand to explain his comment and thus be available for full and thorough cross-examination on any aspects of the case.


Keep having your wet dreams about Trump. That trial is going nowhere.

The rats are quietly leaving the sinking ship.

Screenshot 2024-09-04 at 8.09.45 AM

Expect this to accelerate ahead of the end of Trump’s embargo on Sept 25.

Mike Pence announced on Fox News that he will not be voting for Trump. Former PA Republican Sen. Pat Toomey has also announced he will not be voting for Trump.

We’re up to something like 90% of Trump’s former cabinet - the people who saw him presidenting up close - refusing to support his re-election. And because Trump went through cabinet members like Taco Bell goes through toilet paper, that’s a lot of people.

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In case you were exhausted from all the winning, Trump lost his latest Hail Mary appeal to have the sentencing for his 34 felony convictions moved to Federal court. It was filed last week, but they filed it wrong so had to be re-filed. Today a federal judge told him “nuts”.

NEW YORK (AP) — A federal judge on Tuesday swiftly rejected Donald Trump’s request to intervene in his New York hush money criminal case, spurning the former president’s attempt at an end-run around the state court where he was convicted and is set to be sentenced in two weeks.

FTR, this is the second time Team Trump has tried to move this case to federal court. Both times they have been denied by federal judges.

Sentencing is still on course for September 18 but, before then, Judge Merchan still has to rule on the question of whether anything in this case overlaps with anything in the SCOTUS immunity decision. This ruling is scheduled to be released on the 16th.

While the offenses are clearly outside of anything that could be construed as “official acts” as defined by SCOTUS, where the water gets muddy is over the testimony of White House staff. The SCOTUS ruling prohibits the use of internal administration communications in prosecutions of a president, so the testimony of witnesses like Hope Hicks could run afoul of this.

Even if, as expected, Merchan rules that Trump was proved “guilty as fuck” regardless of any peripheral testimony by White House staff, that decision will be appealed all the way to the Supreme Court. Knowing this, Merchan may decide not to proceed with sentencing on the 18th. We won’t know this until his ruling comes out on the 16th.

The cynic in me expects the opposite.

At $18, Trump’s holding is “worth” about $2bn. The instant he starts to offload any of it, the price will plummet. The only way he pulls $2bn from DJT is if he has a benefactor who has agreed to buy the stock privately…aka money laundering.

He’s still going to pull out a ridiculous amount of free money. What keeps me sane though is that:

  • He will set it on fire just like all the other money that has ever passed through is short little fingers
  • It won’t make him happy
  • He will be in trouble with the IRS when he tries to claim a loss on his 2024 tax return
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Yes… this exactly.

ETA: I don’t think it will be a private sale. I think trading volume will ramp up during the week of the 16th, with large blocks being bought up through dark money pools. A pump, so he can cash smaller bits over time, via announced sales (to cover his ass), at sufficient value to make his remaining holdings relatively immaterial.

Or maybe it will just tank, like you expect.


The Saudis gave $2bn to Kushner after Trump lost the last election. They’d happily roll the dice on Trump winning in November by stuffing $2bn into his diaper.