The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

File a complaint.

The Democrat way: Do away with elections and install whoever they want.

They aren’t wrong.

They jacked up prices during a global pandemic. People should be going to jail for this.

Actually inflation jacked up prices but you knew that or else you wouldn’t be posting excuses.

This is a good comment from analyst Kevin Thompson in that article:

Kevin Thompson, a finance expert and founder and CEO of 9i Capital Group, said Groff’s comments highlight a larger trend in the current economic system. “We’ve moved away from true capitalism towards an oligarchic structure with less competition and larger players dominating the market,” Thompson told Newsweek.

“This shift, driven by a focus on shareholder interest, has diminished consumer choice and competitive dynamics.” Executives tend to be incentivized to maximize shareholder wealth by increasing revenue and reducing costs, Thompson said.

“This pricing strategy was likely implemented to maximize profits,” Thompson said. “Other grocers may have taken similar actions, as executive compensation is often tied to stock price performance. Many executives push the boundaries of what’s legally permissible to boost returns.”


Exactly. The above admission was solicited during hearings over Kroger’s desired acquisition of Albertson’s, which would give them even more leverage over customers.

The Harris campaign’s clapback game just increased exponentially.

Well this will be fun to watch, Crockett is a force of nature.

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If that snippet doesn’t embody modern corporate America’s interests and intentions, I don’t know what does.


Senior executives’ remuneration being tied directly to the company’s stock price is one of the roots of the evil we are suffering under currently.

Fun Fact: Trump and Harris both have a “no taxes on tips” policy in their respective manifestos. There is a subtle difference though. Harris’ plan exempts tax on tips for hourly paid workers; Trump’s plan exempts tips for everyone, and defines “tips” to include bonuses.

So, yeah, Musk’s $56 billion bonus from Tesla would be tax free under Trump’s plan.

RFK Jr timed his withdrawal from the race for the Friday after the DNC in order to derail the Harris campaign’s momentum coming out of the conference. A new USA Today poll (asterisk) has Harris leading Trump by 5 points nationally (up from 3.5 points prior to the DNC).

So Trump is stuck carrying Vance to term and now also owns everything RFK Jr says and does, and fell back further in national polling. Lest we forget, RFK Jr is going to be on the ballot anyway in multiple swing states. So much winning.

Your daily Democrat logic: When all of the polls show Trump winning the presidency, the polls don’t matter. When they show a Democrat close or slightly ahead, they matter.

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I’ve been watching this closely over the last few years. I’ll likely bounce back out to the private sector at some point. CIO compensation (salary + bonus) has fallen 64% over the last 3 years in response to the activism surrounding this issue.

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About a decade ago, I was working for a Fortune 500 company that had its “legacy” chairman/CEO still in place. The company was very profitable but the stock price was deemed to be underperforming against its peers, so the legacy guy was forced out and they installed McKinseyites in the C-Suite.

Those guys improved the stock price very quickly, in the only way it’s possible to do that. They nixed the pension program, taking a large future liability off the balance sheet (they froze it in place and sold it off to a third party administrator). They nickel and dimed employees on everything, like only paying 50% of the cost of a cell phone plan instead of 100%, despite requiring us to carry cell phones (this was later further reduced to them paying a stipend but only if they could install company software on your phone).

Annual bonuses that used to be all cash were now only 50% cash and 50% in stock that was held back for three years. This had the added effect of only 50% of the bonus being subject to a 401(k) match. The share of health insurance cost that the company bore was reduced.

I could go on (and on, and on), but you get the point. The company was behind the times in fucking over its employees so, when the McKinsey boys came in and “corrected” that - at whiplash inducing speed - the company’s financials improved and the stock price rose accordingly. That made them very wealthy because they had negotiated giant stock grants and options when coming aboard.

I used to joke that every time I turned around [CEO] had his hand in my pocket. It was a joke, but it was also the truth.

The pandemic may have accelerated the backlash, but the backlash was coming. People do not want to work for employers who consider the job a privilege; they want dignity and fair reward. Paying entry level wages yet requiring a degree is pure madness and unsustainable.


It has been confirmed that the Trump campaign shoved around an employee - a female employee - at the Arlington National Cemetery campaign stunt.

This reeks of Corey Lewandowski. But it speaks volumes that the campaign isn’t horrified that this happened and, instead, accused the woman of being “mentally unstable” (as if shoving around a mentally unstable person is somehow ok).

The employee in question declined to press charges because she feared being outed and harassed by Trumpanzees.

In a lifetime full of disgrace, including 34 felony convictions, this may be the biggest disgrace of all.


I read that the campaign reached out to ANC for permission to film, was denied, and did it anyway. Trump said he would release the footage to prove the altercation didn’t happen; he did but it is in the form of a campaign ad, which the MSM dutifully played as part of the news story.

Just scumbaggery from start to finish.

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All of this “shoving” is just smoke being blown up Democrats’ collective asses who are desperate and cling to stuff like this. Kind of like the fake 34 felony convictions that will be overturned and thrown out.