The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Kamala is killing it.



Just wait until Trump gets ahold of her in the debate. She can’t answer questions. She can’t solve problems. She only knows how to be loud and belligerent. Trump will send her home just like he did old Joe.

Wait what is this no surprise guest no Taylor no Beyonce man I ain’t gonna sit around all night just to hear Pink man fuck these losers DJT here I come bro


Al Sharpton was pretty good, I thought, and the men he brought out to highlight Trump’s idiotic cruelty and idiotic idiocy were very powerful.

I ran into Rev Sharpton at LaGuardia when he was running for President back in the 2004 election I imagine it was. I told him I appreciated everything he was doing in his campaign but that my candidate was Kucinich and he laughed.


e pluribus unum
NOW, dammit!

I think this DNC has been plenty on its own merits. Plenty of highlights (women stole the show every night). Might as well save some fireworks for later imo

All of her loud nonsense just gained Trump even more votes. She didn’t discuss our main problems as a country. She’s just simply not a very good speaker and isn’t qualified to be president.

What a disappointment the crowd situation must have been for the Democrats too. Wow lots of empty seats again.

I think the single best speech of the whole goddamn thing was Michelle Obama’s. One of the pundit bros said the other day that Barack Obama is the best speaker in the Democratic party and the second best speaker in his family.


Michelle was truly inspiring and I actually felt bad for Barack that he had to follow that. It was incredibly powerful.

Michael is a good speaker. A very nice, deep speaking voice.

“They are out of their minds!”

Mic drop.

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I heard a possibly anecdotal story of the Who at the height of their powers opening for some poor bastards and after the Who did their set the headlining band said Yeah fuck this and refused to go on. That’s pretty much what Barack was dealing with and I don’t feel sorry for him because he should know better by now.

apocryphal is the word I meant to use, sorry about that, sometimes my tinnitus doesn’t let me hear myself think


Kamala Harris tonight: “Joe and I got us into this mess the last 3 1/2 years and I’m going to get us out of it.”

Someone wasn’t having a good night.

He was doing a play by play for his followers. He had a great night. Kamala spread lie after lie and did not address any real problems that the country has. She’s slowly but surely being exposed for the loud mouthed, lying, belligerent, racist, cackling fool she is.

Crowd size misrepresentation is the most pressing issue if you listen to Trump.

Trump called into Fox News for a good cry after the speech. Eventually they cut him off. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

The empty seats show a lack of enthusiasm and support.

The clip: