The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

They’re fucking losers and that’s what losers do.


Usual poll disclaimer.

“A poll has dropped showing only Trump +4 in Texas, and the same poll has Cruz +2 for the Senate,” said the nonpartisan Political Polls account on X. “This pollster has no rating, but since it’s not a swing state, it’s allowed to get put in. If this poll is accurate, it should be a five-alarm fire for the GOP.”

The import here is not that there is a real chance of Texas turning blue. It’s that the GOP will have to spend money propping up Cruz’ seat; money that is in limited supply as Trump has been sucking it all up and giving to his lawyers.

Fun Fact: Harris has raised $500 million in the last 4 weeks. With the money it has, her campaign’s map has expanded, forcing the GOP to play defense in places hitherto undreamt of.

Texas will be won by at least 10 percentage points by Trump. There are way too many smart people in Texas for it to turn blue.

You should see if you can place big money on that claim. Take some of your earnings from your Trump Media play.

What? You know Trump is not great. You’ve said in this very thread that, as an independent, you wished there were better alternatives to choose from. And, adding Vance to the ticket did not magically make him great just as adding Walz to the Harris ticket did not make her shortcomings disappear. I understand the contrarian schtick and I even understand it a bit in the context of this thread. I’m not sure I’ve ever said anything to warrant that directed at me from you or anyone here though.

And, it’s easy to see that Democrats are running on a full frontal assault multi-pronged platform designed to show the stark differences in ideology to voters. With a minuscule part at that focused on the “weird” thing meant to trigger a select few. Which seems to be working.

No, you just said that weird people are what make America great. Democrats calling Trump and Vance weird is kind of hypocritical in my opinion.

I do wish there were better candidates on both sides. I truly don’t care for Vance and I think he was a poor choice and it could cost Trump. Some of the things he has said about women is crazy.

I sure as hell won’t be using earnings from Budlight.

Update: Coulter has deleted her Xit about Gus Walz. She’s still a cunt, though.

Remember all the media pearl clutching over Barron Trump being off limits even though he began appearing at his Dad’s events and was put forward as a Florida delegate? Remember how the media continues to refer to the 40-year old senior executive offspring of Trump as children?

Yeah. Double-standard on full display.


The problem with this is that things like this only matter when it is convenient to a Democrat.

Just pointing out an interaction I had with my sister yesterday.

Me: companies are reducing the size of goods while increading prices recording record profits, paying their executives record salaries, and paying record distributions to their shareholders. Then they tell the public they are raising prices due to inflation.

My sister: what !! How is that even legal.

Me: We live in a free enterprise society. Companies can legally charge as much as they want. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that either. The problem is that companies have no fear of being hurt if they raise prices because consumers have fewer choices than ever. Mergers and big companies buying out small companies mean we will buy from them no matter how much they charge.

My sister: We have to get Biden out of office. I had money to save from every paycheck 4 years ago and now I can barely afford to live.

Me: Actually the democrats are trying to do things like cap prices on medications and help stop price gouging. They are trying to stop these big companies and the Republicans want to give them even more freedom.

My sister: Really? I don’t know about all that and I know Trump is an asshole but my life sucks financially now so I am just gonna vote for him. Biden has cost me so much money and I want a President who will fix that.

My sister isn’t a genius, but not stupid. She’s a professional - finance manager at a new car dealership.

I think she is a good representation of how people who don’t read every bit of information they can about the race, think.

I am more confident in a Harris victory than I was 2 weeks ago, but I’m still terrified.


JD Vance couch joke…check.


Loved the response warren received at the DNC.


Lots of buzz about a special musical guest tonight.

Taylor or Beyoncé?

Dude is sporting a bona fide, unabashed, full-on mullet. Wow!

At the beginning of the month i was in northern nebraska for an uncle’s funeral. Unexpectedly, my long divorced parents were civil and we had an all day memorial drinking and talking on her driveway/impromptu biergarten.

Butte nebraska is about 40 miles away, but we have old and current connections-both of my mom’s parents went to school in Butte, grandma dorothy even graduated from the high school. Mom’s current next door neighbor is from butte. At least one brother went to a prom there.
Two of my brothers are conspiracy fueled trump supporters. One is probably actually mentally ill and doesn’t talk to anyone in the family except for a cousin (whose father had just passed). The other only became interested in politics when trump ran for president. Now he’s an alex jones, Qannon, antivax, flat earther, texas ranger loving idiot.
When walz was nominated i asked him what he thought of him. The immediate response was “loser.” Then he sent me the information he’s getting on walz: third trimester abortionist, tampon tim, drinks horse cum, stolen valor, laughed while antifa and blm burned Minneapolis.

I had mistakenly thought that Walz being from the same part of middle of nowhere as our family might make him hesitate to join in the reflexive character assassination used by his tribe. I was very wrong. My brother upped the stakes and told me that i was a threat to the nation because i support harris and walz and am one those “never-trump” traitors.

This brother waits tables, may have never read a book and gets high every single day. he is certain that his new internet friends provide him with hard to accept truths and secret knowledge. He has the zealotry of a new convert to a persecuted cult.

He his certain that the 2020 election was stolen, and will not believe or accept another loss in 2024. There are millions of people like him.

I think we are increasingly close to an actual civil war.

Both? Beyonce: 100%. Swift: 50% chance.

Well let’s stop and think about inflation for a minute. Prices of good have increased over 20% in Biden’s 3 1/2 years in office. That’s more than the last 10 years combined. We had a COVID spending spree in 2020 and the Democrat spending spree of 2021, which injected trillions into the economy at a time that fewer goods and services were available. Also, the Democrat Party agenda over the past two decades has aggressively promoted consolidation and decreased competition in many industries, including the food industries. Let’s also not forget about the Democrat war on energy. Democrats have been fighting the oil industry ever since Biden took office. If the price of diesel goes up, the price to produce, harvest, create and deliver goods goes up. Naturally we will pay that when we buy the goods. It’s absolutely a Democrat problem.

Line of the night so far:

“Do not give an inch to pretenders who wrap themselves in the flag but spit in the face of the freedom it represents.”

-Rep. Elissa Slotkin

To put things in perspective…

What would you do?

I have an employee that was hired 3.5 years ago. To date, she hasn’t followed through with anything she said she would.

She just had a performance review and based on our original contract may be eligible for a promotion in November. During her review she said that if she gets the promotion she would do all the things she promised 3.5 years ago. She clearly has had no interest in doing those things up to now, but appears to be holding out on them in order to get promoted.

What would you do? Good advice only, as if everything depends on the right choice.

Post of the night: