The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

I thought it was going to be a mistake giving Clinton (Bill) a prominent speaking spot. Hindsight hasn’t changed that opinion. He made some good points, but he rambled, ran long and will be inevitably - and justifiably - brought up whenever anyone talks about Trump’s voluminous links to Epstein.

PS: I hope that Harris appoints an AG who will pursue prosecutions based on that evidence. I don’t care who gets caught in that net; Trump, Clinton, Gates, Windsor; every last one of them - whoever they are - deserves to be taken down if they were part of that.

Announce the investigation but do it in secret so that anyone legit not involved doesn’t get tainted with it. Then, once they’ve separated the rapists from those who were just Epstein adjacent, perp walk palooza.


Better add Biden and Soetoro to that list.

Somebody needs to. The weird, the marginalized, the disenfranchised, everyone put in the “other” categories throughout their lives are Americans too and any representative government or group aspiring to be that representative government should be looking out for and looking to represent those people if they care about this country. Anything else is a missed opportunity and is not aligned with the very founding core of what this country is.


Breaking News: Trump endorses Harris!

So they represent the weird yet call people weird. Got it.

I agree with respect to Clinton’s speech. I’ve seen him give some very, very good convention speeches, and relatively recently, too, and I thought he’d continue in that vein but I was wrong. Age seems to have finally caught up with that rascal.

Virtually everyone on our side is and has always been in agreement. If one of our people commits a crime and is found guilty, throw their ass in jail. It’s not complicated. If someone raped a kid on an island or anywhere else, throw them in jail. This has always been our avowed position, maintained vocally throughout the time when the Republicans were rigging SCOTUS so that they could and would and did declare that Donald Trump is literally incapable of committing any sort of crime.

The difference between the two parties could not be more stark.


By the way, Gus Walz is my new favorite dude. I was doing other things yesterday evening and had to catch up on everything after the fact. I walked in just as Walz’s speech was ending and I saw Gus take the stage and I smiled and thought, Yep, I know all about that guy and called my wife in as I rewound it and I pointed Gus out to her and she smiled an I know all about that guy smile. Man, I love that guy. I can’t wait for both son and daughter to find themselves more in the public consciousness. It will be great for the country.


Just in recent times, Democrats have thrown out party stars like Al Franken, Elliot Spitzer and Anthony Weiner. They tried to force Bob Menendez out of the Senate, but he refused to leave and there was no mechanism to make him. That crooked fucker is going to jail now, with no complaints from the Dems.

The walk has been walked in this regard.


Gus turns 18 in October and is registered to vote. His first ever vote cast for President and VP will be for Harris and his dad.

At the opposite end of the spectrum, Ann Coulter is a horrible cunt.

Hopefully Gus comes to his senses and votes for Trump.

I knew that there were some memes going around and I deliberately did not go seek them out. Yes, there are some truly terrible people on this planet.


Not surprising judging by the lack of enthusiasm. Lots of empty seats at the DNC. The liberal media is desperately trying to paint her as a great savior of democracy but it is failing. If she has the guts to debate Trump, it will be game over for her just as it was for the old demented sock puppet.

Right. There’s normal weird, which is the typical spectrum of personalities and experiences that comprises humanity. Then there is the creepy weird which is obsessed with self-aggrandizement through the subjugation of others and their genitalia.


That smelly pirate hooker and many of her ilk are simply useless humans.

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You missed the entire point of my post. The weird are part of what makes America great. Anyone who demonizes a population of Americans or legal visitors, regardless of affiliation (Democrat, Republican, Independent) does not have a firm grasp of the American history that makes us great and is currently a part of the overall acrimony problem, not solution.

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Thank the maker.

Neil Young sued Donald Trump in 2015 to stop Trump from using “Rockin in the Free World” at his campaign events. Last night, Tim Walz used that song, with Young’s express permission. Moreover, the Dems also got per mission from every artist for their music during the Tuesday’s roll call/dance off.

The Dixie Chicks will perform the national anthem at the DNC tonight.

Always. Be. Trolling.

PS: I will not be surprised if Taylor Swift - who has been notably silent about Trump using an AI-generated likeness of her to pretend that she supports him - performs a song tonight. “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together” got quoted twice last night, and would fit with Hakeem Jeffries line “Bro, we broke up with you for a reason.”

I don’t know enough of her songs to pick one that would be the most devastating to Trump, but I suspect they are legion. She might have written something new, of course.

As the joke goes:

Q: What do Spider-Man and Taylor Swift have in common?
A: The both killed Jake Gyllenhaal with a bridge.

So Trump and Vance are great. Democrats are running on calling them “weird.”

There is an entire movement online that has sworn to defend Gus.

Screenshot 2024-08-22 at 12.54.54 PM


These freaks pick the damndest battles.