The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

“When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.”


Did someone slander?

TV ratings from the conventions:

Screenshot 2024-08-20 at 3.07.34 PM

Don’t forget that the YouTube audience for the DNC was bigger than the TV audience. I don’t know what the YouTube audience for the RNC was, but I would posit that it wasn’t going to be bigger than the DNC’s.

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Trump has been forced back out on the campaign trail, and it’s wearing him out.

He was coasting on the debate fallout, and now he has to put in some effort. Thoughts and prayers.

ETA: Why are cops allowed to participate in political events in uniform? Why are cops hanging out with a convicted felon?

ETA+: Fox News cut away from this speech.

Also, Trump’s teeth were loose in his mouth again.


The DNC was on every local news station yesterday. The RNC was not. Typical liberal bullshit. Ratings must have been up because of the empty seats at the DNC. People must have stayed home and watched. Doubt the crowd is any better tonight.

Much like the screws in his tiny, traitorous, insurrectionist, Putin-loving, STD-ridden, hollow, dementia laden and feeble brain?


Wow you must hate Biden to say things like that about him.

In addition to being ghoulish and despicable, it’s flat out a violation of the Logan Act.

Paging Merrick Garland.

PBS “Propaganda Broadcasting Service”

I didn’t watch, but the GOP roll call must be pretty dull when the can only use the music of Kid Rock and Ted Nugent.

The Harris/Walz campaign’s trolling is unrelenting. On the same night that the DNC is being held at filled-to-capacity arena that is bigger than where the RNC was held, Harris and Walz are holding a separate event at that arena the RNC used…and have filled it.


Sure they have. It will be just as empty as the DNC was last night. TONS of empty seats. Not much enthusiasm or excitement with the Democrat Party.

…and the electoral map gets worse for Trump.

Maybe this was common knowledge but apparently it’s on the ballot in Montana, too. The more, the merrier.

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Every song played during the roll call - one each for every state and territory - was by an artist who has told the Trump campaign to cease and desist from using their music.



Michelle is killing it. I knew she would.


Michelle Obama is taking Trump to the woodshed. It’s a masterclass in eviscerating someone without dropping to their level and getting their stain on you.

It’s like Dexter.


Michael is really making a fool of himself. Democrats need to focus on the problems that they have created in the economy. Not Trump. It’s a bad look.

Spin that wheel, Gerbie, spin it!

Did Barry just throw in a small dick joke? I think he did. He did just throw in a small dick joke.

ETA: The joke