The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

“Kamala Harris has a résumé. Donald Trump has a rap sheet.”

  • Jasmine Crockett

Willie Brown is her main reference. He was very impressed with her work. According to Brown, she’s not afraid to do the dirty work.

I was waiting for her all night and she did not disappoint. I hope I get to meet her some day and if I do I hope I don’t frighten her too much.


I don’t get the impression that she scares easily.

Meanwhile, we will need an infrastructure bill to rebuild barns all over the country because Raphael Warnock just burned them all to the ground.

I feel sorry for Chris Coons. Not just because his name is Chris Coons, but because as the whitest man in America not called Mike Pence, he had to follow that!


I was just sitting here watching thinking You know, he’s obviously a comfortable and polished public speaker, but the good senator does not quite have the same firepower as some of the previous speakers.

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I watched President Biden’s speech. He talked up America. He talked up his administration’s accomplishments including infrastructure, NATO expansion, and how Vice President Harris, in her role as President of the Senate, cast the tie breaking vote on the legislation that reduced the cost of insulin. He talked a bunch of shit about Trump, all of it true. He talked up Harris and Walz a lot.

I missed the part where Biden snatched back the nomination as Trump assured everyone he would. I did go to take a piss, so maybe then?


When Shawn Fein (president UAW) was speaking i misheard him when he called trump a “scab.” I had heard “scam.” Both make sense…but i prefer my misinterpretation.


All the same its going to be a rough night for pelosi, god bless her.

Night #1 of the DNC was pretty much flawless. Going to have to eat an extra Shredded Wheat for the coming days.

I thought so, too. I feel like the upcoming nights will be better and better.

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They played this last night.

In a sane world this would be game over.

Fun fact: the number of people who watched the DNC live feed on YouTube exceeded the number watching on the cable news networks combined.

These are the same people who aren’t being reached by pollsters, and they also aren’t being tainted by the awful, self-serving opinions of cable news pundits.

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He probably shit his pants and forgot to. He probably even forgot he is President.

Fun fact: not all people who were watching are voting Democrat. For instance, I needed a good laugh so I watched for a while.

But Kyle Rittenhouse can kill two people because he got scared when they reacted to him running around an active riot with an assault rifle that he wasn’t legally allowed to possess.

I hope Joe (or Kamala) pardons her.

Since I can’t post pictures of the DNC, I’ll just encourage everyone to look at the pictures of the crowd. There were MANY vacant seats.

Tonight they have Pete Buttigieg, Josh Shapiro, Mark Kelly and Barack Obama.

I think Michelle’s on, too.

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I love how the Dems are (finally) reclaiming patriotism. There were prolonged chants of “USA!” last night (which triggers my PTSD from Brookline), and then there’s this:


Will be interesting to see what Barry and Michael have to say tonight. Doubt the crowd size improves much. There just isn’t any excitement other than what the liberal media is trying to falsely portray in desperation.