The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

This is totally, completely and utterly whackadoodle.

Well, I know there’s at least one person who will take it for gospel.

This is the type of thing the press should spend days hammering him for, if for no other reason than to help cleanse us of disinformation, but we know they won’t.


Of course Trump has to lie about his record. He can’t take credit for his administration’s one accomplishment: the Moderna vaccine, so he has to take credit for Biden’s accomplishments.

Of course the Family Stick will believe Trump. He has a perfectly Orwellian belief system: the last thing Trump says is true is has always been true, and any evidence to the contrary is false.

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You wouldn’t know the truth if it jumped up and bit you in the ass.

California is a great place for low IQ people to live.

The latest totally normal and not at all culty thing happening at Trump rallies is that people are selling and other people are actually buying sample cups of JD Vance jizz.

I’m being serious.

That can’t be real, right?

They’re going to be very disappointed once they find out he’s vaccinated.

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Not a fucking cult full of whackos in the least.

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Their joke is that Tim Walz and his wife had to use IVF to conceive their children, so obviously what they really needed was some powerful, manly JD Vance jizz.

So now they’re buying and selling jars of fake jizz, because it’s MAGA.


I didn’t know that was the situation with Walz and his wife.

Fuck all those other people 8 ways from sunday.


Do they realize how homoerotic that is?


That’s the biggest load of crap you’ve posted on this thread yet. If there isn’t a conspiracy theory you will just make one up.

You might look up Walz and see what he drank from a horse. He’s a disgusting human.

This is some dangerously next level fucking around.

This is one:

She’s an actual billionaire with hundreds of millions of actual fans. That’s one helluva bear to poke.

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To the pro-Gaza protesters expected at the DNC this week - who were conspicuously absent at the RNC a few weeks ago - Messrs. Trump and Putin appreciate your service.

Limey loves a good conspiracy theory.

Needs a “fresh off the couch” tagline to complete the label.

Offered an opportunity to clean up his Medal of Honor disparagement, Trump doubles down.

I would rather get it. People who get the Congressional Medal of Honor are often horribly wounded or dead. They’re often dead. When you get the Presidential Medal of Freedom it is usually for other things, like you have achieved great success

I need to find out who is my in-network mail-order pharmacy. So:

  1. Log in to BCBS website and click on pharmacy benefits.
  2. Click around a bit and eventually find a link to the mail-order pharmacy.
  3. It’s a different company with a different website so I have to sign up.
  4. It won’t accept my BCBS ID, so I call the Helpdesk as directed.
  5. After fighting through the useless bot, I speak to a person, who advised that I need to talk to my pharmacy advocate, and gives me that number.
  6. I call the pharmacy advocate, and they advised that they are not the pharmacy advocate for my plan.
  7. I go online with the BCBS chatbot, and ask the question of who is my mail order pharmacy provider.
  8. After some questions and the ridiculous efforts at sounding human, the chatbot asks if I know who my mail order provider is.
  9. After much waiting, the chatbot gives me a phone number and says that it has sent a follow up email with all the details.
  10. I receive the email. It is a secure email, so I have to create a new login and password to read it. Which I do.
  11. The email says that my options are attached. There is nothing attached.
  12. While I am messing with the pointless email, the chatbot session expires, taking with it the phone number.
  13. Goto 7.

Under the pure evil that is socialized medicine, every pharmacy (and every doctor) is in-network.