The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Who the hell’s Harris?

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No one knows.

Wapo has really been diminished by that Murdoch guy. Not surprising.

I’m not implying inflation is all caused by price gouging, but if price gouging doesn’t cause inflation, what does it cause?

All in all, this double standard is a good reason for Harris to continue ignoring calls for press conferences. Our press isn’t mature enough for press conferences.


Totally agree. Btw I don’t hear this impatience for her economic plans from anyone but media, and they just seem to be talking to themselves about it. Besides, aren’t they going to talk about that shit for three straight days at the convention?


Reason Eleventy-billion way polls are not representative:

The Veterans of Foreign Wars have also noticed.


Isn’t the Post owned by Bezos? Murdoch owns the Wall Street Journal.

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I wonder if the VFW has ever condemned a GOP presidential candidate before.

Seriously…how fucked up is this mindset:

“That’s the highest award you can get as a civilian. It’s the equivalent of the congressional Medal of Honor, but civilian version,” Trump told attendees at an event at his Bedminister, N.J. club, attended by GOP mega donor Miriam Adelson who was awarded the Medal of Freedom in 2018.

“It’s [Medal of Freedom] actually much better, because everyone who gets the congressional Medal of Honor, that’s soldiers, they’re either in very bad shape because they’ve been hit so many times by bullets, or they’re dead. She gets it, and she’s a healthy, beautiful woman,” Trump said in reference to Adelson. “And they’re rated equal.”

He is referring to Bezos’ hiring of former Murdoch hand Will Lewis to be CEO and publisher of WaPo.


Ah, thanks.

Honestly, the more they let this guy talk the better. His filter demented away a good 3 years ago. The VFW made a very bold statement for them, but seriously. Why the fuck would you allow ANY statement that you make belittle the highest award to the only true heroes that represent our country and values receive. It takes either someone that gives zero fucks about anyone but themselves, or is completely falling apart.

I don’t care which option it is. It’s time for Trump to exit the race. He needs to do what’s best for his party (like Biden did) and let Nikki Haley have a go. If he did, he’d save this party that he pretends to care about and create what would likely be the greatest election that any of us would ever witness.

We can all stop laughing… we know he won’t do this.

ETA: we also know why this won’t happen. This GOP is a party of cult personality. It’s not a “party” the only thing that matters is electing the “strong daddy” personality they seem to be missing in their lives. They want a king plain and simple.

The people walking out may be going to the bathroom. The real take here is that there is zero energy in the room and very few people.

I’m just glad to see no slanting faces and people with 4 arms.

Are we witnessing Spinal Tap?

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Well he did get the name of the state wrong.

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While Vance is adding dog abuse to his disaster of a tour, Walz is connecting with big crowds like this.

Reading that Walz had a little incident involving a horse. It is so weird and disgusting that I won’t post the details. I encourage people to read about it though. Democrats are just plain weird.

Hey Siri! Show me the epitome white male privilege.

Vance might be better served not reminding people about Epstein.