The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

You’re not giving 110%. Slacker.


No hustle face, either.

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I’m no campaign expert, but when you are able to put out attack ads that are just untouched clips of your opponent talking, you’re probably winning.

There’s no scary music, black and white toning or ominous VoiceOver to frame these ads. It’s just “look at what this numbnuts said today”. And there’s a dozen per day. And then there’s JD Vance.

Exhibit :infinity:

Trump claims that the Presidential Medal of Freedom - which he gave to the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Devnin Nunes, Jim Jordan and the person he’s talking about here: Sheldon Adelson’s wife - is “better” than the Medal of Honor because the recipients are all shot to pieces or corpsified.

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What a revolting ogre the Felon is.


Especially given that both his sitting and standing posture is inherently bizarre.

He sits on every seat like it’s a toilet. I guess when you’re wearing a diaper, every seat is a toilet.

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His odd standing posture is due to the lifts in his shoes.


Suckers and losers, right?


You aren’t the only one who noticed:


They can’t put out an ad for every dipshit thing DJT says. It would be kind of fun to have the job of picking out the best ones.


They certainly seem to have fun doing it.


To wit:

they’re teaching a master class in how to demolish a bully — and we are all so here for it.

I can’t argue with either assessment.

This has to sting.

Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign this week began trying to persuade a surprise group of voters: Fox News viewers.

  • The Harris campaign on Wednesday began running four spots on the network, a Fox News spokesperson confirmed to Axios.

  • The ads are largely positive about Harris’ life, a sharp contrast with the network’s often-critical programming about her.

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I love Jeff Tiedrich.
He eviscerates Dementia Donny so damn well.


What a fucking clown.

When you’ve lost the Washington Post…


The thing that is hilarious about Kameltoe’s campaign is that she is running on the promise of solving the problems Joe and she created in the first place. She’s got virtually no chance of winning.

Just in case you thought that the media playing field had inched anywhere closer to even…

Ignoring the fact that they are defending price gouging here, Trump’s economic “plan” is going to be “big and beautiful” but is otherwise unspecified.

2016 all over again. The only difference is that Trump is no longer an unknown to the voting public, and his act is tired and unchanged. Harris’ press coverage is going to get worse, not better.

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