The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

He thinks you need ID for bread?

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It’s so tragic how he shares only Jack Donagy’s dumbest and worst qualities.


I thought he also claimed that he was the one who capped Medicare recipient’s cost for insulin. He’s truly insane.


He indeed claimed that.

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He also signed the Magna Carta and invented the question mark. No one understands particle physics better. No one. Albert Einstein called him the greatest mind in history.


Another laugher: Obama made healthcare affordable. Now that’s hilarious.

He invented hydrophobic magnets.

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Sharks with freaking magnets on their heads

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Frikkin’ lasers.

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Is that too much to ask?


It’s all very weird behavior.


I’m not sure if this photo surpasses:

Trump and McDonald’s buffet for Clemson
Trump pretending to drive a truck
Trump staring at the eclipse

But it’s got to be in serious competition for the medal stand.

Also, at today’s alleged press conference Trump claimed, “Virtually 100% of the net job creation in the last year has gone to migrants. In fact I’ve heard substantially more and actually beyond that number 100%. It’s a much higher number than that but the government has not caught up with that yet.”

Aside from being an utterly stupid comment untethered from reality, math is apparently tragically hard for the convicted felon to understand.


Sir you have malaigned one fictional character with an unfair comparison to another.



Here is a little chart showing Kamala’s handiwork with the old demented sock puppet.

Oh man, can’t believe I forgot:

Trump and the Saudi orb
Trump and the taco bowl thumbs up
Trump and Sean Spicer dressed as the Easter Bunny
Trump signing blank pieces of paper at a small desk while he had Covid

This is a much tougher competition than I thought.


He hasn’t completely cornered the market: you’re leaving out Rudy in front of the landscaping company.

What the actual fucking fuck!!!

The Secret Service has pulled agents off Biden’s team to protect Trump.

Sounds reasonable to me. Biden doesn’t get out anymore and resides in his basement while Trump is actively campaigning in the public. Not to mention, Trump was shot not long ago.

Nothing says that you’re telling it like it is and not just pulling shit out of your ass like saying “more than 100%”.

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