The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

I would love to think this is true

There was someone on xitter who acts like he knows what heā€™s talking about saying that the sort of mechanical issue they claim to have had would not require an emergency landing ~30 minutes from the destination and then connected the dots noting that the fuel providers at the respective airports are different. And, as Limey says, itā€™s totally plausible.

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So Trumpā€™s unpaid fuel bill may or may not be true, but he has a blizzard of unpaid bills in Montana from previous visits going back to 2018.

Trump owes money to municipalities all over the country. He owes Billings over $50kā€¦they shouldā€™ve impounded his plane.

Timeline check: Walz was announced as Harrisā€™ running mate 5 days ago. Five.

The Harris-Walz campaign issued a fact-check for the ages on Trumpā€™s Mar-a-Lago gibberfest.

It included this point, which is of relevance to recent discussion here:

Trump does not know the difference between asylum seekers and an insane asylum.

Itā€™s worth reading the whole thing, because itā€™s a thing of absolute genius. A fact check, reality check and pantsing all at the same time.

Everyone on jumping on the snark bandwagon when it comes to Trump.

You either die a hero, or live long enough to become an object of global ridicule.

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Maybe itā€™s just me but I kind of feel like a song from a film about a sinking ship is reasonably appropriate.


If itā€™s what they say, I love it, especially later in the summer.

Former President Donald Trumpā€™s campaign said Saturday that some of its internal communications had been hacked.

The acknowledgment came after POLITICO began receiving emails from an anonymous account with documents from inside Trumpā€™s operation.

When it was Clintonā€™s campaign that was hacked, the story and the hacked emails came out at the same time (conveniently just a couple of hours after the Access Hollywood tape dropped).

Here, Politico is publishing the story while sitting on the content. Because of course they are.

I had a sinking feeling youā€™d post that, Chuck.

Just like a typical Democrat to lie.

Youā€™re so gullible, latching on to this stupid nit-picking like itā€™s relevant. He did retire with that rank, and lost it due to some educational requirements he didnā€™t complete. I donā€™t begin to understand the bureaucracies behind military ranks, but itā€™s hardly some huge lie, you know, like he flew in a crashing helicopter with some imaginary person who dished out the dirt on Kamala.

My understanding is that there are certain training and educational requirements for each pay grade. In the officer corps and in high ranking NCOs the awarding of a promotion in rank for purposes of position or chain-of-command may precede the completion of all of those requirements for the new pay grade. Something similar to the use of ā€œbrevitā€ ranks long ago. If one retires before the completion of the higher rank requirements, pension will be determined by the previous (lower) rank. However, the individual is entitled to be referred to by the higher rank and use the higher rank in correspondence.

Wait until people hear about Ronny Jackson, who still refers to himself as Admiral even though he was demoted to Captain for being drunk and/or on Ambien while on active duty and dishing out prescription drugs like Halloween candy.

Or that the cult leader had daddy pay off a doctor and diagnose a mythical case of bone spurs in order to get out of the Vietnam draft.

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Yā€™all are forgetting they are Republicans so this is all ok, theyā€™re god fearing patriots, not godless commies like all Dems.

Fun Fact: the only medical report confirming that Trump was struck by an actual bullet was written by [checks notes] Ronny Jackson. Not only is he not a practicing physician anymore, he wasnā€™t the attending physician when Trump was treated.

He described the bullet wound as 2cm in diameter. For U.S. Americans, thatā€™s 1/3,600th of a football field, or one Ben Shapiro (itā€™s just under one inch). If Trump has a one inch wound in his ear, heā€™d basically be missing half an ear.

1/84th of an Altuve


Iā€™m not the one voting Democrat. Heā€™s a liar and made all of that up. That is par for the course for a Democrat though. Right up your alley.