The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

And who is weird? Who shakes their wife’s hand? That is weird.

If that’s all you got on that point…

O’Donnell was on fire tonight. Rightfully and righteously calling out the media, including the station he is on, for eating all the shit Trump fed them and asking for more.

After giving Trump over an hour of free television, they failed the carry live Harris’ appearance at the UAW. 2016 all over again.

O’Donnell played Harris’ speech. In 10 minutes - that’s all it was - she offered more truth than Trump has in his entire life.

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Oh there’s plenty of subject matter on weird and Democrats. This is just one example.

Harris wouldn’t know the truth if it bit her in the ass.

In the UK, the true silent majority of reasonable, respectful people have long since had enough and are making it known openly and through voting.

I hope that we seeing this same phenomenon here too.

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Trump told a weird story yesterday about how he and Willie Brown were on a helicopter that had an emergency and crashed, it being a miracle that anyone survived. He intimated that Brown shared with him some dirt of Harris (she and Brown used to date). He didn’t elaborate on what that was, but there was an implied threat that he would at some point.

You might want to sit down for this, but absolutely none of this was true. Trump never took a helicopter ride with Willie Brown, so any fruits of any conversation that he says he had simply do not exist. He was implying there is some shit to be known without offering any hint or proof as to what that may be.

The best anyone has come up with is that Trump did once ride in a helicopter with California Governor Jerry Brown but, according to Gavin Newsome who was also on that flight, there was no emergency, no crash and no sharing of intimate details relating to Kamala Harris.

The crashing aircraft/sharing of intimate secrets is a sub-plot from “Almost Famous”, and Trump has confused/conflated real life with movie plots on numerous occasions. He is currently confusing asylum seekers with asylum inmates - which leads to his Hannibal Lecter bit - and he used elements of the movie “Sicario” as justification for his harsh border tactics.

It would be funny if it wasn’t such an imminent and existential threat.

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Makes me wonder if Peter Thiel’s play with Vance includes a plan to invoke the 25th amendment soon after taking office.

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I would be Trump nominees in the cabinet. Not sure how they could pull that one off.

Greg Abbott is a fucking monster.

First it was Joe Rogan. Now Trump has lost the support of erstwhile dinner guest Nick Fuentes and also Tim Pool.

The deplorables are abandoning ship, not because they have any policy disagreement with Trump, but because they believe he cannot win. If Trump loses the toxic male vote, or even a portion of it, he most definitely cannot win. New polling has Trump losing the male vote in Wisconsin to Harris.

New polling also has Trump losing Florida. Again, polls are extremely suspect in this day and age, but what they do is drive media narratives, impact donations and dictate campaign spending.

If Trump has to spend money to shore up Florida, that costs him in the swing states. If he has to spend money to shore up the support of incel conspiracy theorists, it takes away from any ability he may have to expand his base.

And, of course, with his court cases all coming back to life after being in suspension at the Supreme Court, his legal bills will start to ramp up again. He is losing the money war to Harris already, and now he has to spend it on everything other than attracting new voters.

Let them fight…

2 MAGAts enter, 1 MAGAt leaves

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I get that the cult loves that logo thing on his posts, but it is really fucking creepy. Old, scowling America.


As Alex Bregman likes to say, I guess we’ll never know.


David Dempsey, one of the more violent January 6 offenders just received a 20 year sentence.


You hate to see it.


TFG is not having a good week.

I saw some speculation that he landed in Billings because the fuel provider in Bozeman would refuse to refuel the plane due to outstanding debts.


That would be perfectly on brand.

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