The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Wouldya look at that.

It’s almost as if yesterday was just a day in the market…

JD Vance just claimed - out loud and in the presence of people - that Harris not picking Shapiro is evidence of anti-semitism.

They have been down to maybe 3 possibles for over a week, and Vance still wasn’t ready.

No, Walz basically talks to the same folks Vance and Hawley do, he just doesn’t do it as a weird fucking incel.

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Go back and read his quote a little slower. He’s a socialist. And the “weird” game democrats are playing against Trump and Vance is a bad look. Democrats represent weird.

Trump wasn’t ready either.

Screenshot 2024-08-06 at 10.10.57 AM

Project much?

Well…rural America IS mostly cows and rocks. Both are smarter than the average rural American MAGAt.


Fun Fact: If Harris serves two terms and then Walz serves two terms, when Walz finishes his second term he will still be younger than Trump is now.

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Yeah, they’re completely flailing. For those that don’t know Walz, the attack that he’s “not a real rural American” will last twenty seconds into the first time they hear him speak, or see him coaching football and holding pigs. The whole liberal attack won’t fly either, as he just doesn’t look the part, and his liberalism is economic, not cultural.

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I don’t think that means what you think it means. To me it reads that any time the government helps anyone other than big business or rich people, the right calls it socialism, so if you want to call helping people socialism, fine call it that but most people think of it as being neighborly and decent.


Harris and Walz are about as far left as it gets. They are about equal to Bernie on the socialism scale.

Welcome from Vermont. No, no they are not. Not even close.

Tim Walz. Evil incarnate.

How so?

Gov Walz: We’ll get a corn dog
Daughter Hope: I’m a vegitarian
Walz: Well, some turkey then
Hope: Turkey’s meat…
Walz: Not in Minnesota


Walz is a governor (executive experience) with an approval rating of over 60%. He’s also a former teacher, football coach and a veteran.

His major legislative achievements as governor are providing breakfast and lunch for every child at school and legalizing weed.

He’s pretty much bullet proof.

My sister lives in Minnesota and she has said for quite a while that he is the most rational and sensible politician she’s ever seen.


Ah yes, those cartoonish leftist tropes of a prosecutor and a football coach.


Wallz achieved the rank of Command Sergeant Major. That means he gets things done.


Trump is projecting to all his subscribers again.

Walz was the slam dunk no brainer choice. If Kamala keeps making these sorts of decisions she’s going to lead a wildly successful administration.

Shapiro would have made losing Michigan a very real possibility. Some shout anti-semitism, others calmly point out that politicians are not owed a free pass for stupid shit they’ve said.

Anyway, Walz is GREAT, great on the stump, great in public, great on the attack, great on message, he’s going to be able to connect with voters that might not have wanted to give Kamala a chance, he has executive experience, he has, as far as I can see, no baggage at all. I am elated with this pick.

One of our esteemed moderators rigged it so I can no longer see Gerbie’s individual ignored messages and thus keep count, but from the responses I do see I get the sense that he does not share my elation. Run, Gerbie, run!