The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Keep on telling yourself that as the country falls into a recession.

People donā€™t like Harris.

The only thing stupider than the articles you post is your interpretation of the articles.

Poor JBM doesnā€™t like what I posted since it makes Democrats look bad. Good luck in becoming better at reading comprehension. There is still time for you.

This seems like it would be bad for Trump, Giuliani and many others. The others include Mark Meadows who has been very quiet for a while now.

Speaking of Giuliani, heā€™s been forced to hand over his NY apartment and Florida condo to liquidators. Dude is going to end up living in a van down by the river.

Also, being flat broke and unable to hire or pay attorneys (he owes millions to attorneys already) is a precursor to pleading out.

You know who else canā€™t afford attorneys? Mark Meadows.

I think we all knew that there was a coverup for Biden and his crack head son.

Was just in Blackpool for the big punk festival and Saturday the EDL decided to march right outside the festival. It didnā€™t go well for them. Sunday morning you could buy ā€œPunx 1 - 0 EDL scumā€ shirts in the festival. The punks even helped clean up broken glass and protected immigrant businesses. The African restaurant I went to was handing out free drinks to anyone with a festival bracelet.


The Democrat dead beats sure didnā€™t help any with the BLM rioters and looters. And they sure didnā€™t give a damn about businesses being burned and ruined by thugs.

SCOTUS has declined to delay Trumpā€™s sentencing in the NY business fraud case. It is due to go ahead on Sept 18.

Thatā€™s just not true at all.

Muskā€™s PAC has been promising to register people to vote and then not doing it.

Itā€™s going to be a long wait to find out which of Musk or JK Rowling will stop digging first.

So Michigan and North Carolina are investigating Musk for doing exactly what the official state website does in Texas. Must be niceā€¦

Anyone else think itā€™s suspicious that as soon as the story broke about Trump taking $10 million from Egypt - in bags of cash like a drug cartel - and suddenly a story breaks about RFK Jr. dropping off a roadkill bear cub in Central Park decades ago?

Remember when the Access Hollywood tape dropped and hours later on that very same day Wikileaks released emails hacked from the DNC that theyā€™d been sitting on for months?

Same shit.

So it seems itā€™s going to be Tim Walz. He is an excellent communicator, and was initiator (or the first prominent proponent) of calling Trump and MAGA ā€œweirdā€.

We will now be subjected to three months, at least, of dad jokes.

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She needed to balance the ticket with an old white guy from a swing state. Her choices were limited, but Iā€™m surprised it wasnā€™t Shapiro. Iā€™ve been getting multiple text messages asking me who it should beā€¦Shapiro or Kelly.

There was no wrong choice for her from any of the shortlisted picks. Shapiro may have been damaged by the astroturf anti-semetic attacks on him, which is sad and outrageous, but thatā€™s not on Harris.

Walz exudes comfort and warmth, has boundless positive energy and is instantly likable and relatable.

Also, Dad jokes:

Screenshot 2024-08-06 at 8.31.13 AM

Surprised a bit that itā€™s not Shapiro, but every time I hear Walz, I like him more.

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What a gift by Kamala to Trump and his campaign. Walz is the same loser who hid like a coward as the twin cities were being burned by BLM thugs. Then thereā€™s his famous little quote of: ā€œOne personā€™s socialism is another personā€™s neighborliness.ā€

Shapiro seemed the logical choice. His approval rating in PA is over 60% so he would guarantee that crucial swing state. Maybe they believe he can deliver the votes without being on the ticket.

Reports on Harris say that she puts a lot of stock in the vibes when hiring. Maybe her and Walz just clicked better.

What happens now is going to be interesting. Harris and Walz will be able to split the campaign duties and cover twice the ground. Meanwhile, Trump does one event a week - maybe - and theyā€™d rather Vance stay buried in the couch.

That and the money/ground game advantage enjoyed by Harris/Walz is going to move the needle significantly, IMHO.

Good luck trying to use that slogan against him. I donā€™t doubt it inflames the small minds in your cult bubble, but even a lot of Trump voters will warm to the sentiments behind it.

It will be used against him and used successfully. The guy is a socialist. Some liberals, such as yourself and of course Limey, may like socialism but most Americans with a brain donā€™t agree with socialism.