The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

The Jan 6 prosecution is back in the hands of Judge Chutken. What she has to do now is schedule evidentiary hearings to determine for which charges, if any, Trump has immunity.

What this means is that Jack Smith breaks out the 5-foot long tongs, and lays out Trump’s shit-stained underwear in front of the court…and the public.

We will all get to see all the goods that Smith has on Trump.

That sounds good, but I’m more interested in learning to whom Trumpy sold the stollen documents and why the Supreme Court thinks that’s ok.


Chutken not wasting time:

August 9th: filing deadline for a Status Report proposing a “schedule for pretrial proceedings moving forward”

August 16th: Scheduling Conference

Were going to get to see the goods before November.

Trump kiboshed the ABC debate and now claims to have “accepted” (i.e. arranged) a debate to be held on Fox of Sept 4, with Fox moderators (and probably a Fox audience).

I don’t know if Harris will choose to play that particular Squid Game, but she has 787 million reasons not to.

Yes, from what I’ve read about it Trump basically wants to hold the debate in the middle of one of his campaign rallies.

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The “disciplined” Trump campaign continues to be… something.


This is quite the literal split screen

Trump claimed the school blocked thousands of people from getting into the auditorium, inferring that they did it because they are Harris supporters.

I bet the school isn’t going to get paid. This is one of the reasons why he struggles to book decent venues and has to do so many outside events.

Harris is afraid to debate Trump. She’s afraid Trump will end her campaign like he did old Joe’s.

I am coming to hate this time every 4 years, so many hate-filled, attack ads - on all sides.

One in a while, there is a positive one.

Far right dead-enders in the UK have used a horrific stabbing attack on children - by a 17-year old kid born in Cardiff to immigrant parents - to go on a rampage. Rioting, looting, setting shit on fire, destroying property and fighting with police.

It was all fun and games for gray sweatsuit guy until he got fragged by his own people.


That’s nuts.

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Trump is all-in on crypto. Because of course he is. Fake money? I’m surprised it took him this long.

In reality, it’s because they are paying him to carry Vance to term. Crypto is yet another thing about which he knows absolutely nothing; as the above clip shows. He wants to pay off the national debt by giving someone a “crypto check” - that’s so dumb on so many levels it makes my brain hurt.

Just don’t have it delivered by Homer Simpson and Mr. Burns

The Simpsons S09E20 - Mr Burns Trillion Dollar Bill Gets Stolen In Cuba | Check Description :arrow_down: (


Wow that sounds exactly like what Democrats do here.

The Simpsons is never wrong.


Trump says he’s going to pay off the national debt by writing a $35 trillion “crypto check”, and crypto values take a giant shit.

Wait! Maybe I shouldn’t laugh. But then again…


ETA: I wonder if the bribes to pick Vance for VP were in cash or crypto. Oh, please universe, do the most ironic thing!

Not a good look for Kamala and Biden.

the Dow collapse today is devastating to the Harris campaign. It’s plummeted to the level it was three years weeks ago. It’s now only double what it was when Biden/Harris took office.

Yeah. Nah.

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Clearance Thomas has been referred to the DOJ over possible tax problems with him accepting $4 million bribes gifts from oligarchs. Hands up who thinks Thomas paid taxes on any of that shit?

This is new:

Customs and Border Protection records revealed that the justice and his wife, Virginia Thomas, took a round trip between Hawaii and New Zealand in November 2010 on Mr. Crow’s private jet

In 2024, that round trip costs over $300,000. For perspective, that’s more than the 2024 annual salary for a Supreme Court Justice.