The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

A cult through and through

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The only thing Biden is doing is sipping on Ensure and hiding his dementia from the public.

Sometimes, these Lincoln Project guys hit it out of the park:


Are Vance’s children Indian or white? Someone should look into that.


Is Vance stating he is an Indian now?

Absolutely flailing.


Even Rasmussen has Trump losing at this point.

Remember when Limey dismissed the accuracy of polls? I do.

Now polls matter to him since the media is giving Kamala a slight boost, which was expected. After Trump tears her to shreds in a debate like he did Biden, they won’t be able to justify the artificial “bump” she has been given.

I gotta say, I never really understood the point of taxing benefits (a practice first implemented under Reagan). Like, just reduce the amount of the benefit and do it on a tax-free basis. Don’t create unnecessary paperwork!


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From Axios’ article:

Apparent? That was a flying reverse double pike with a twist to the nuts.

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At least she didn’t have to box some dude.

She would have won…

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Someday the full, breathtaking extent of Trump’s corruption in office will be laid bare.

Five days before Donald Trump became president in January 2017, a manager at a bank branch in Cairo received an unusual letter from an organization linked to the Egyptian intelligence service. It asked the bank to “kindly withdraw” nearly $10 million from the organization’s account — all in cash.

Inside the state-run National Bank of Egypt, employees were soon busy placing bundles of $100 bills into two large bags, according to records from the bank. Four men arrived and carried away the bags, which U.S. officials later described in sealed court filings as weighing a combined 200 pounds and containing what was then a sizable share of Egypt’s reserve of U.S. currency.

Federal investigators learned of the withdrawal, which has not been previously reported, early in 2019. The discovery intensified a secret criminal investigation that had begun two years earlier with classified U.S. intelligence indicating that Egyptian President Abdel Fatah El-Sisi sought to give Trump $10 million to boost his 2016 presidential campaign, a Washington Post investigation has found.


Within months of learning of the withdrawal, prosecutors and FBI agents were blocked by top Justice Department officials from obtaining bank records they believed might hold critical evidence, according to interviews with people familiar with the case as well as documents and contemporaneous notes of the investigation. The case ground to a halt by the fall of 2019 as Trump’s then-attorney general, William P. Barr, raised doubts about whether there was sufficient evidence to continue the probe of Trump.

Oh, man.

This is a helluva split screen:


Got to shore up Montana’s 4 electoral college votes, right?

The Harris campaign said it raised $310 million in July and has $377 million cash-on-hand. Separate reporting states that this money is coming in from a vast array of new and/or young donors sending in small amounts (average circa $100).

The Trump campaign said it raised $137 million in July.

Harris hasn’t yet announced her VP pick (free publicity bump) or been formally nominated, which will be happening before the convention (free publicity bump), or been idolized for 4 days straight at the conference (free publicity bump).

Trump has had all of these free publicity bumps, and is eating dust from here to November.

She would have got obliterated. A male should not be boxing a female. It’s disgusting.


Reporter: Vance compared you to a really bad impression of Obama

Shapiro: Obama was probably our most gifted orator of my time, so that’s kind of a weird insult. I’ll say this about Vance: it’s really hard being honest with the American people when you’re not being honest with yourself. He is the most inorganic candidate I think I have ever seen. He doesn’t know what he believes, and that is why it is impossible for him to articulate a coherent message —because he doesn’t believe it.

He is not wrong.

On a tangential note, can you imagine a thirst for power so great that you would happily debase yourself in front of the entire world? All to be the VP for THAT motherfucker? Unreal.


That’s what these magat cultists do- their blind fealty makes them devoid of reason and their boot-licking is to be expected.