The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

I’m kind of surprised he spelled “border” correctly this time.


Schumer and Jeffries have endorsed Harris.

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“the broad, her?”

Trump golfed today with LIV golfer Dechambeau. No bandage on his ear, no visible damage (and no campaigning).

Video in the link. He can’t putt for shit.

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Clinic? Ronnie Jackson write this?

Nevermind, I didn’t realize it was sarcasm. Thought it was some Trump cultist.

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He is phoning it in, in every sense of the phrase.


Why are you so worried about a bandage? Are you trying to say that Trump wasn’t shot?

Such a great candidate.

No one’s ear heals faster than Trump’s, it’s incredible, people are saying they’ve never seen anything like it.


Double digit hidden replies since I last posted in the thread! Run, Gerbie, run! Don’t forget to take a break every now and then and get some water from that droplet thing hanging next to your wheel. Proper hydration is key, let’s face it.

The doctors, they said to me, with tears in their eyes, Sir, you had the worst ear injury I’ve ever seen, it was all but shot off and you grew a new one right away!


There’s Chuck, still upset because I made him look like an idiot long ago. He ran off in a huff and blocked me since he was made to look so foolish. Don’t be too upset, Chuck. There’s still time for you to turn things around.

Also, I know your thinking ability is limited, but you should really come up with another insult. You have used it several times now and it’s honestly pretty weak.

The preferred news sources of certain people/groups are always fun to note.

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If it’s not a liberal news source, it isn’t true, right? Sorry you do not like reading something that goes against your agenda.

There are several reputable conservative news sources. You just don’t seem to read any of them.

You have no clue what I read or listen to. I just posted things about Kamala that are the truth. You won’t hear any of it on the liberal media. If any of that is wrong, I’ll be glad to remove it.

No, I don’t know what you read. It’s very simple to see what you post, though.

Yes it is. It’s also very simple to read what I posted about Kamala and see that it all is true. But some people will only believe their “reputable news source.” The same “reputable news source” that tried to tell everyone that Biden was doing a great job, was feeling fine and didn’t have dementia the past 4 years. We see how that all worked out after Trump made a fool out of Biden in the debate.

I tell you what, you hook Gerbie’s wheel up to a turbine and I reckon it could power Limey’s van if he ever needs to, you know, park in the shade or something. Of course you’d need to feed him, but those pellets are pretty cheap. You need to clean the cage, too, and in normal circumstances that’s not too big a deal but in this case Gerbie produces enormous quantities of bullshit but, hey, composting!

Chuck once again displaying how sour he is because he knows I made him look so foolish. Chuck has a reputation around here of being quite the whiner. When he doesn’t get his way or someone disagrees with him, he cries like a baby. Be careful about bugs when you go out, Chuck. The way your mouth hangs open when you walk, you might choke on one.