The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

As I mentioned upthread, the Democrats aren’t lacking for younger, quality candidates:


Even Jason Crow, the Congressman from Colorado and former Army Ranger would be a solid choice.

If I’m Harris, one of the first things I do is avoid Biden’s team for her campaign and instead look for some fresh faces. It seems pretty obvious that Biden’s team didn’t think that much of her and would likely just run a scared campaign to limit her weaknesses. She needs to find people that believe in her and allow her natural strengths to flourish. That’s her best chance, IMO.


Biden’s team are obviously lying idiots so I’d avoid them based on that.


How does the financing work? Can the funds raised for the Biden/Harris ticket automatically be appropriated for a Harris/whomever ticket?

Normal people say “yes.” Republicans say “of course not.”

Sorry, my answer is for Harris; if it’s someone else, the money would go the the DNC.

This article says yes if Harris, anybody else, probably not: What would happen to Biden’s campaign cash if he drops out? That’s up to Kamala Harris

Looking forward to seeing Trump destroy Kamala in a debate too if she’s the nominee.

It’s rather funny that the Democrats are saying that they “must save democracy” and are going to be running someone out there that no one voted for. Their party is a total shit show at the moment.

I think, formally, they have to wind down the Biden campaign and the new candidate has to stand up a whole new campaign.

I imagine in practice it will mean a new name on the door and new email domains but that’s about it.

Anyone notice Trump is looking pretty old these days? So many verbal gaffes too.


Oldest nominee in history, just a heartbeat away from JD Davis, or whoever.


Anyone notice how Biden having dementia wasn’t a concern until Trump made hash out of him in the debate and exposed Joe’s weaknesses for the world to see? It will end very badly for Kamala too. Trump will expose just how terrible of a job she did in California. If you can’t run California successfully, you sure can’t run the country successfully.

Uh, you know she never “ran” California? Prosecutor, AG and Senator. Next talking point.

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I know people blame the press a lot (and it’s deserved), but Dems need to hammer this home. They also should demand that the press demands that Trump does a real press conference, and an independent test for senility (not performed by unlicensed medical people).


She damn sure had a hand in running the state. From the criminal justice department to representing California as a Senator. She failed miserably and did a terrible job. She’s very unpopular in that state. If she failed at all of those previous positions, what gives her the qualifications to be President? It sure wasn’t the people of the Democrat Party that voted her in. In fact, her 2020 campaign lasted only a few weeks because of her unpopularity. Next talking point.

I’m guessing Kamala chooses Barry Soetoro as her running mate. If they succeed in finding enough votes to win, Kamala steps down and Barry serves a 3rd term.

Im impressed how fast everyone is getting behind Harris, I didn’t expect this much enthusiasm, which the ticket had been sorely lacking.


I didn’t either, especially since no one voted for her and couldn’t tell you one good thing that she has ever did.

What I’m wondering is who’s going to tell Joe that he’s no longer the Democrat presidential candidate.

Trump is already backpedaling on the September debate.

Our resident conspiracy theorist is at it again.