The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

No way the Democrats fuck this up. The party is well oiled machine.


Should, sure. But you look around at the current media landscape and know that it simply won’t unless every single Democrat with any kind of platform makes it an issue incessantly, and even then it probably won’t.

Nobody asked me but over the last week or so I’ve been warming to a Harris / Buttigieg ticket. Pete should reawaken the younger voters Biden was having a very hard time with and anyone who declares they won’t vote for that ticket for irrelevant, peripheral reasons wasn’t going to vote for Biden anyway. Plus, Pete is a walking Trumpspunker destruction machine.


This late in the game, I think we have to go with Kamala Harris. And I’d pick Mark Kelly as her running mate.

I’ve heard from people close to the Kelly family that he doesn’t want the job and wouldn’t take it if offered. There are some sort of sticky family reasons involved. But who knows.

Oh god, I’d love to see Pete debate JD Wentworth


I assumed 877 Cash Now was Trump’s campaign line

Eh, that’s too bad. But there are other good options.

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They have never been better. If that’s the direction the Democrats go, they are screwed. But their party as a whole is a total shit show right now. I hope they go to the convention arguing over who gets to run. Other than them losing in November, it will be one of the greatest sights to behold. One debate with Trump destroyed their whole campaign.

Out of the loop here, but has it been determined that it’s Harris, or just everyone’s assumption?

Biden endorsing Harris makes the assumption almost guaranteed. It’s hers to lose at any rate

Yeah, but it seems easier for her if there is true certainty.

They have the opportunity to do this now, without the media immediately pivoting to Biden. Also, the contrast between Harris speaking and Trump gibbering is going to be stark.


If they go with someone else, they’ve taken it away from her. Anyone who endorsed the Biden/Harris ticket was endorsing Harris being president in four years if not sooner. Anyone changing their minds now is being a cunt.

At any rate, hoo-fucking-ray! Time to go on offense, and look to the future. A lot of gloom and depression has disappeared in moments.


I’m all for Harris moving forward, but that is bullshit.

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I thought about Harris/Buttigieg immediately today and, yeah, that would be great. Harris/Shapiro might actually net you PA, though.

I really think that idea overstates things. Harris as the presumptive nominee is more about expediency and convenience than anything else.

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Also want to say, oof, what a gut punch for JB. Proud of him and sad as hell. Now let’s make sure he isn’t retiring after handing over the keys to Fuckface.


Buttigieg is from Indiana which looks a lot like Pennsylvania if you rotate it 90 degrees.