The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

You are obsessed with trying to find something bad and can’t. You are reaching in the bottom of the barrel here.

Are we about to fabricate more conspiracy theories?

Dear Biden Campaign,

More Secretary Pete, I beg of you.

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Good for him.

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So Trump didn’t even need stitches in his ear. This makes sense because he played golf the next day and it wasn’t covered.

This is classic Trump. He was shot at, and that is genuinely horrifying. He was grazed by flying glass and it’s a good thing that it wasn’t worse. But he can’t just take this fortunate outcome (for him) and move on.

No. He has to lie about the bullet hitting his ear. Which leads to him wearing that ridiculous, performative patch on the side of his head at the RNC. So he has changed the story from being a legitimate victim of an assassination attempt, and turned it into a story about what a stupid, vain fuckstick he is.

There has not been a “W” contemplated that this moron couldn’t turn into an “L”.

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Why are you doing obsessing over Trump’s ear? Are you saying the blood was fake? Don’t you have anything better to do? You also have no proof that he wasn’t wearing a bandage playing golf. Yet another conspiracy theory by you. He got shot in the ear, it bled, so he was wearing a bandage. There are much more important things to worry about other than a bandage.

He didn’t take a sharpie and try to color in the “rest of his ear” did he?

Seriously Presidential.


I hadn’t really looked into Trump playing golf the day after he was shot, simply because I didn’t care. After a quick search, it appears that Trump did not play golf the day after he was shot. Once again, Limey’s conspiracy theory was quickly proven wrong.

Just for Limey.

Trump introduced his running mate, “J.D. Wentworth”, at a campaign event yesterday.

I hope this isn’t a joke

I saw that and wondered if it was satire. Is it real?

I’m pretty sure it’s satire…not 100% sure, but pretty sure.

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What are your thoughts about Biden introducing his running mate, Donald Trump, a few weeks ago?

Finally the old bumbling fool got something right.

Inevitable. Now the important stuff begins

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This should have been the plan from Jan 20, 2020.


Now Trump’s age and cognitive abilities should take its position front and center.

This isn’t the gift the right might have been hoping it is.

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Yes, NOW it can be the issue it should have been the whole time.


But we’ve got to get through the convention first. :flushed:

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