The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Wasn’t an actor, just the suit on something like a mannequin.

ETA: I’m pretty sure, at least.

So it was just a prop? That’s even more pathetic.

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Not without good reason, Melania is done with Trump.

Dodges the kiss and then crabs away as fast as she can.

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Probably misspelled the name because they couldn’t get permission.

You might research things before you spew out conspiracy theories. But you are the resident conspiracy theorist. That was the man’s fire suit. It was spelled wrong years ago and he just left it that way and used it anyway.

I was wondering if they asked the widow to attend. I imagine they did (unless they’re even more incompetent than even I think they are), but you could totally understand her saying no.

The prop firefighter was probably the fall back, and I doubt they asked. If the widow said “no”, do you think that would’ve stopped them? I don’t. They’re ghoulish fucks.

This angle is very disturbing.

I mean, this is not normal, right?

Trump also implied that this was Comparatore’s actual jacket when clearly it’s no such thing. He said they were going to “send it back” to the family who were going to do something nice with it. WTF?

The “normal” train left both campaigns behind long ago.


That is the actual jacket and you can’t lie enough to make it not his jacket. I realize you feel bad because Trump is way ahead in the polls and is much more popular than the Democrat candidate but lying does you no good.


To totally debunk Limey’s lies, there are a few sources and an actual picture from the fire department showing the coat.

Biden’s campaign is normal. Press coverage of Biden’s campaign is not.

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The more this ugly drama proceeds, the dynamic becomes clearer. I sensed that amongst Democratic elites, it was support from African Americans that was saving Joe’s ass. They were most likely to publicly support him, and I suspect their support prevented a lot of White Democrats from publicly calling for Biden to step down. I was perplexed: why do they care so much about Biden?

It appears that the answer is simple: they don’t care about Biden that much, they just see removing Biden as an attempt to pass over Harris as well. On a less significant level, they are also mostly in non-competitive districts and a poor performance by Biden won’t hurt them.

It’s a high stakes game for the elected Biden supporters as well. If their support is seen as propping up Biden, he stays in, loses and drags down their colleagues in competitive districts, there will be some distrust and ill will directed at them in the future. Not a particularly great time for the Democratic Party.

You would think that the clear and obvious agenda of a Trump administration would be enough to get the various Dem factions to temporarily put aside their differences and figure out some plan to prevent it. But we live in a stupefyingly selfish age, so my hopes are low.

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Trump is so selfish. How dare he have an “America first” agenda.

I guess this is always going to be an excuse. If this just about the press, why are so many elected officials and donors asking him to step down. Are they somehow controlled by the press? For that matter, why do a majority of Dems and a huge majority of Independents want him to step down? Are they also being manipulated by the press?

People can either listen to what voters have been saying for years about Biden passing the torch, or they can get angry and blame those same voters and the press reporting on those voters. It’s an odd choice, and one shitty strategy, to publicly blame people for not liking your candidate.

The African American vote - particularly black women - has been saving the union for decades. If the Dems piss them off, November will be the bloodbath that Trump is predicting.

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Along these lines, I recall a recent podcast where Ezra Klein said based on his sources, there are a number of Democrats (not a huge amount, but some) who truly don’t believe Trump is a huge threat to the country and feel that they will personally benefit in the long run from a Trump victory. Seems screwed up and hard to believe, but a lot of politicians are narcissistic scum.

Being narcissistic scum is pretty much baked in with politicians of any stripe. Stupidity isn’t usually a trait, but it’s becoming one in recent times.

Being an opponent of Trump - from the inside or the outside - and planning on having any future after a Trump re-election is breathtakingly stupid.

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So is voting for a bumbling old fool with dementia.

The fact that this wasn’t in the Top 10 weirdest things to happen at the RNC is telling.