The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

I guess that’s why the Monday visit to Austin was canceled.

No, that was cancelled due to the attempted assassination.

McCarthy has made it his mission to ruin Gaetz.

It’s just a shame that he’s completely ineffective at everything.

RNC viewership is down 20% from 2016. You’d think there would’ve been a spike on Day #1 because that was the first official appearance of Trump since the shooting and he was announcing the VP. But, no, that was down 21% of 2016.

Inflation is down to 3%, lower than expectations. The DJIA hit 41k yesterday.

The COVID infection could be a good cover for the move. Stepping down due to health issues.

He’s got to step down. I saw him trying to go up the steps to Air Force One yesterday and it was painful to watch. There is no enthusiasm in his campaign and fund-raising has fallen off a cliff. Biden has had a great four years, but he doesn’t have the capability for another four years. He may not have enough for four months.

I’m not sure if Kamala Harris is up to the challenge either, but at this point she’s the best shot.


How can Trump possibly pick someone who called him “Hitler”?

Because he didn’t take it as an insult.


From what I’ve seen of her lately, she’s better than she was in 2019, but they’re certainly in a big hole now. I suspect that If Biden steps down, she’ll be anointed and that’d be a mistake, IMO. She should say it’s open to everyone and that she plans on winning it, not be given it.

I realize many Democrats freak out about an “open primary,” why, I don’t understand. Anyways, Harris would still likely be a strong favorite and if she won, she’d come out significantly stronger than she would through an anointment. It would both help her, and generate much more attention and excitement, which they clearly need.

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I suspect the freak out over the possibility of an open convention is at least in part due to 1968. Ironic that it is in Chicago this year as well.

If that’s what scares people, they need a better understanding of history. The war, riots, and political violence existed prior to the convention; it was the backdrop. The convention reflected the turmoil for sure, but the idea that they needed to nominate a candidate sure didn’t create the troubles of the 1968 convention.

As an aside, people use LBJ dropping out and a subsequent Dem loss as some “see, it’s a bad idea” example. That’s dubious also, IMO. LBJ was going to lose and he knew it. His replacement, Humphrey did lose to Nixon, but by 0.7% points. Not some strong data point against switching horses.

If Biden drops out and anyone other than Harris is at the top of the ticket, you can kiss all of this goodbye.

I’m not saying this because she’s the best equipped to win, I’m saying this because the fracturing of the Democratic caucus will be total and complete.



Then that’s exactly what they’ll do. Talk about the gang that couldn’t shoot straight.

This version of Trump is just as narcissistic, but ohhhhh so slow and dull.

Just think how slow and dull the old demented sock puppet’s speech will be.

Trump’s speech tonight has been great. Very uplifting and unifying.

Seriously? I turned off low-energy Don about 10 minutes in. He’s a fucking snoozer.

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I thought he did very well. He spoke for nearly an hour and a half gaffe free. That’s something Biden simply cannot do anymore. He wasn’t divisive. He did very well, especially considering a bullet was about 1/4 inch from killing him less than a week ago.

Actual image from the RNC last night.

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JD Vance: “I don’t know anyone at the Heritage Foundation”

JD Vance’s Venmo:

While it took him at least three rounds of golf before he called the family of the firefighter who took the bullet intended for Trump, at last night’s anointment extravaganza he had “a moment” with an actor dressed up as a firefighter with the actual firefighter’s name on the jacket.

Tacky? Exploitative? Sure.

But, worse, they spelled Corey Comperatore’s name wrong.