The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Public appearances come naturally to charismatic leaders like Clinton and Obama. Biden has never been particularly good at public appearances. Ever. Not his forte. However, his awkwardness has it’s own appeal and to some it may actually be endearing. Still, I think it is somewhat important that the leader of the country is able to think on their feet, speak intelligently and appear at ease when addressing the nation.


I never said it isn’t important that the President of the United States can think on his feet, speak intelligently and appear at ease when addressing the nation. I wish Biden was better in this regard.

However, it should not be considered more important than what the president accomplished or didn’t accomplish during his term. Actions speak louder than words.

These overviews were helpful.
Secret Service Sniper Drops Would-Be Assassin

0:02 / 11:47 How Assassin Evaded Secret Service Security

Still waiting to hear what some of these remarkable accomplishments were.

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Oh, man. So perfect.



I’d say it’s a bit more than somewhat important. For example, take the recently raised issue of reforming SCOTUS. I’m so happy it’s now on Biden’s agenda, but it isn’t just going to magically happen because a President has a lot of past achievements. It requires a passionate and convincing argument, brought to the public, day after day after day.

Bingo. Repetition, repetition, repetition.

The campaign needs to figure out what are the vote drivers, and pound them at every opportunity. Now that Vance is attached as VP, the obvious issue is going to be women’s rights - the dude is on record of wanting to end no-fault divorce, ffs.

But attached to women’s rights - everyone’s rights really - is SCOTUS. No rights can survive this Supreme Court over the long haul. But giving Trump 2 or 3 more seats is an existential crisis.

Campaigning not just to stop Trump getting more of a thumb of the scales of justice, but to reverse the mess is a winning argument, imho. The campaign’s polling will tell them whether it’s a winner more broadly.

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Reality contradicting polling.

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Jack Smith has filed notice of appeal Judge Cannon’s dismissal of the stollen docs case.

I can’t imagine a worse place to be than the RNC.


He looks like a stoned Donny Osmond.


Totally not a cult.

To be fair, conventioneers on a whole tend to dress like people hoping to get picked for The Price Is Right or Let’s Make A Deal. It’s the same dynamic, they want to Be Seen.

Dressing the please the Dear Leader is still culty, but I get your point.

The “Mass Deportation NOW” banners were fun too.

Not that Donnie saw any of it, unless it was in his dreams.

He was comatose during Jr’s speech.

Biden has COVID.

He sounded like crap at his last event before the test results came in yesterday. Poor guy. It sucks to have to be “on” when you are sick like that.