The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

They’re not speaking in German, but same gist.


It’s safe to say, fascism is officially within one political party in the United States.
I never thought I’d say that in my lifetime, but here we are.


The Biden interview by NBC is being promoted right now, and they are playing clips of him being pressed by Lester Holt for his “violent rhetoric”.

Shit you can’t make up for $100 please Alex.

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I’ll say it slow. Biden said “it’s time to put Trump in the bullseye.” He was shot a few days later. It absolutely is violent rhetoric on Joe’s part and he needs to own up to it and apologize.

I get it, but it’s an opportunity to slam Holt for his both sides bullshit. Did Biden do that?

Biden argued he said “bullseye”, not “crosshairs” and that he meant about focusing on the main issues. Not great.

But somehow this wasn’t an issue when Boebert and Alaska what’s-her-name used the same phrases.


Exactly. Palin posted an image of a crosshair over Gabby Gifford’s district and then someone went and shot her in the head.

I’m not saying that Biden shouldn’t avoid obvious violent euphemisms, but going after him when his opponent made a call to “fight” immediately after the attack is like going after a priest for his language after letting slip a “damn” when I’m standing next to him watching an England game.


A little different fighting to win vs shooting and to win. Or maybe Biden meant to use bows and arrows with the bullseye phrase?

He also said that we have to “stop Trump at all costs.” What does that mean?

Giffords represented the district my unloved younger sibling, Mike S and grew up in in Tucson. The federal judge murdered at her rally was the father of a friend of mine from HS. That whole fucking thing still stings me.
This country has a gun issue and mental health problem.
Goddamn pathetic.

But, yeah, both sides, whataboutism, something something gazpacho.

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There are a lot of ways that you can describe J.D. Vance. Loser isn’t one of them.

Finally saw the interview. He should have tore fucking Lester Holt a new one for harping on the idea that he is somehow to blame, but he didn’t. He’s so incapable of doing so.

He damn sure didn’t encourage anyone to be peaceful with his “put Trump in the bullseye” and “stop Trump at all costs” bullshit.

If it would have been the other way around, Democrats would be going crazy and burning the town down.

Blah fucking blah. Everyone knows which party has introduced and advocated political violence, led by your hero. That Biden can’t clearly communicate that apparent truth is a problem.

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Tell me which party supported the BLM rioting and looting? Which President wants to “stop Trump at all costs” and “put Trump in a bullseye”? I will also just leave this right here for you to listen to. Once you do, get back with me on which party encourages violence.


Bigger asshole, Josh Hawley, tells Vance to hold his beer.

Wow! I never thought I’d see the day when the Teamsters’ would support the Republican Party’s nominee. Weird.

The wife of the man killed at the Trump rally was contacted by President Biden but declined to speak with him because she thought her husband wouldn’t approve.

She hasn’t heard from former President Trump.

Why was Trump wearing a maxipad on his ear last night when he didn’t need one the day before while golfing?

Oh, and he fell asleep at the convention last night. I’m telling you here, because the media won’t give the fraction of the coverage they would for a long blink by Biden.