The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Know what the difference is between jd vance and his book?

His book has a spine.


I’m sure Harris will have them all memorized for the VP debate.

Yes because according to you, Marines are spineless.

Seriously though, with what demographic does Vance help Trump?

You knew, that out of the three final candidates, Trump would choose the biggest asshole. Pretty much the sole criteria.


It’s on brand.

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It was always going to be the biggest loser because no one is allowed to upstage Trump.

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These tools have an underlying theme in common- they’re abject fucking losers at life and know it, yet overcompensate by being royal, stanky, quivering assholes.
They were probably not hugged enough as kids, picked last for kick-ball, or turned down for a date at prom.


Sounds like you speak from experience.

The trolls at the Lincoln Project were ready:

It’s pretty comical that democrats are now exerts on Vance. They know that he is a spineless terrible person. Most don’t even truly know who he is or what his beliefs are. That is the Democrat Party and what they represent. They are a racist, narcissistic, entitled, ignorant group of people.

I agree with JD Vance:

Newsmax described the pick of Vance for VP as “base”. After Googling, apparently this is not good. If you’ve lost Newsmax…

I agree with Harris:

Are you sure they didn’t say it was ‘based?’ That’s what the kids say now, you know. One of these days I’m going to figure out what it means and then I’ll probably throw a party.


It better not be a basic base party either, Chuck.

This is awesome!

Recycling is now a QOP thing!

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So this makes sense: Vance is Peter Thiel’s guy, so Trump picked him to get the tech bro money. As always with Trump, look for the transaction and you’ll find the truth.

Here’s the RNC convention pivoting to peacefu…naaaaaah!