The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

100% disinformation. It’s unbelievable the stuff people make up about Trump.

Cannon dismissed the case on the basis that special prosecutors aren’t a thing, which means that Hunter Biden should file to have his case dismissed too.

The ruling is appealable, and I’m sure it will be. The 11th Circuit has reversed this judge in scathing terms twice before, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see that happen again here (her ruling cites no case precedent…zero…zilch…none). I’m sure Smith will move to have her replaced as the judge, which is something else you can see happening as this latest ruling eliminates any last fleeting thoughts that maybe she’s just a bad judge and not completely in the tank for Trump.

But Cannon’s work here is done; the case will not go to trial before the election and that is exactly what she was installed to do - by Trump - after he lost the 2020 election (she was a lame duck nomination).

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More conspiracy theories and disinformation by Limey. This case honestly should have been thrown out a long time ago.

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Won’t any appeal just go to SCOTUS? And isn’t SCOTUS where she got the idea for the dismissal. I didn’t read the immunity decision closely, but wasn’t there something written in one of the opinions saying “Hint, hint, Eileen, here is some good advice.”

In a way though, I don’t think this helps Trump in the election at all. It just helps some non-MAGA people focus on the situation we find ourselves in.

Clearance Thomas hinted at this in a recent ruling, but it’s all part of the plan - there can be no doubt about there being a plan after the immunity ruling.

To put some perspective on this, the DOJ has been using Special Prosecutors since the 1800s. In that time, pretty much everyone indicted by a Special Prosecutor has filed a motion to dismiss based on the improper appointment of said SP. To date, the number of times that argument has prevailed is one, including this one.

Yes, this will ultimately go to SCOTUS, but they won’t rule until after the election. If Trump wins, it’s moot, if he loses, the need to protect him no longer exists because the useful idiot will no longer be useful.

So tell us about the Democrat plan of making up bogus charges to convict Trump of felonies to try to pave the way for a Biden victory in November. You can’t put someone in jail because you don’t like him, can’t buy him off and can’t beat him in an election fairly.

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As we should expect, “uniting” in Trump’s mind is dropping all the cases against him, and basically accepting his rhetoric that Joe Biden controls a Deep State that is weaponized against him. In other words, Trump has no idea of what “unity” means.

Also, I wonder if his hubris squanders whatever goodwill he received this weekend.

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Supposedly, his conference speech has been rewritten following the shooting. Any goodwill he has from it, will be gone before this week is out.

Also, we still don’t know who his VP pick will be. It’s going to be a doozie I’m sure.

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Ya think? Kind of a big deal to nearly get your head blown off.

So…yeah. Unity.

“I was nearly fragged by one of my own, so put me in charge of everything again”


The kid’s mom and dad are both Democrats. Fat chance the kid is truly a Republican. There are videos of this kid screaming how much he hates Republicans and Trump. He donated to a Democrat organization. Not that it really matters what side he voted for. Because it doesn’t. You saying that Trump was “shot by one of his own” is extremely careless and divisive. But so was your leader saying that Trump needed to be “put in the bullseye” not but a couple of days ago. Joe Biden needs to publicly apologize for this and admit how wrong and dividing that comment was. Who knows if this gave the kid motivation to take a shot at Trump? It certainly didn’t help matters. Democrats are a big reason as to why the United States is so divided right now.

I would also like to point out that there are no rioters or looters burning the town down after Trump was shot.

He really is a waste of skin.


How United is it to go after a political opponent with lawsuit after lawsuit to try to convict him of felonies on made up evidence?

So Trump’s VP is going to be avowed never-Trumper JD Vance?

That cockwomble won’t withstand the spotlight.

ETA: I hope Tim Scott has the receipt for that white woman he bought.

Of course he is.
The QOP is a laughable entity these days. They’re devoid of reason, morality, or any semblance of the ability to govern.


Vance called Trump “America’s Hitler”. Apparently Trump took that as a compliment.

14 Worst Things JD Vance Said About Trump

Further, I can’t wait for the many past anti-donny quotes to come out from that spineless chucklefuck vance.

But hey, boot-lickers gonna boot-lick.

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Says the guy who voted for Joe Biden, who thinks Donald Trump is his VP.

Again, the QOP is a gaggle of spineless, cowardly, unpatriotic, chumps who will bend or move to appease their dear leader.

Laughable what their party has devolved into.


So JD Vance serving the country in the Marines is spineless, cowardly and unpatriotic? Got it.