The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

They’ll also get a lot of cheap hair dye on them.


I remember a Johnny Carson show where the animal guy came on with an African condor and a turkey leg or something. When he let the bird see it, or gave the signal, or whatever, the bird stripped the meat off that bone faster than you could blink. They actually had to show it again in slow motion so you could understand what had just happened.

I wish a few of those birds would visit Rudy.


“the animal guy” = Jack Hanna

Yes, that’s him. Thanks!

youtubing old Carson stuff is amazingly fun


About 15 years ago I bought a DVD set of old Dick Cavett shows. Talk about a time capsule!

Huh, hadn’t thought about that one yet.

I liked the one where he had John Lennon and Forest Gump on as guests.

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Was is Sullivan who had Lennon, Yoko, and Chuck Berry?

No paywall:
One Candidate is Patently Unfit for the Whitehouse. It’s Not Biden


Mike Douglas show in 1972. Later that week, my grandmother said one of the Beatles was on Mike Douglas. Even as a 12 year old I thought, “No way!”

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Not sure what happened, but it seems like something happened at a Trump rally. Looks like he was grazed by a bullet on his ear, but these days, who knows.

Trump was shot at. Looks like one grazed his ear and they tackled him and covered him up pretty quickly.

Don’t even fucking go there. Not even a little.

One spectator is dead, one wounded. Shooter is also dead.

I’ve seen Home Alone 2. He’s not that good of an actor.

I know I’ve been “checking out” more and more politically as things have descended in to this place we find ourselves. This is out of control and there’s no place for it. Scary times indeed. Makes me feel sick.


Unfortunately this isn’t a first.

It’s the first Presidential attempt since Jody Foster told John Hinkley to take a shot at Reagan 43 years ago. I hate this timeline.


So do I, and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.