The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread



One of these days Iā€™m going to get a dog and name him Jack I tell you what or my name ainā€™t Nathan Arizona.

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I have it on good authority your name is really Nathan Huffheinz

Would you buy furniture from a store called Unpainted Huffheinz?

Biden is just terrible. How the fuck is he going to press the case against Trump when he stumbles at virtually every sentence.

Sure, heā€™s been a great President, but his approval is low primarily because heā€™s unable to articulate a case for himself.

So youā€™re saying vote Trump?

That is so fucking disingenuous and intellectually weak: criticism of Biden means youā€™re pro Trump. I know youā€™re better than that.

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1,000% agree.

You agree with the idea that criticizing Bidenā€™s ability doesnā€™t mean one supports the POS you defend every day?

I only criticize Biden because I want the best chance to destroy your cult leader.


His case for himself should be his last four years of work serving as President of the United States of America. The fact the American public cares more about how the incumbent president comes across in media appearances and debates than his performance during his four years in office is a big reason why we find ourselves in such a critical election cycle.

I see him giving extended remarks with an occasional gaffe. I have never heard such a long press conference with no gaffes from anybody, ever. I think you are subject to confirmation bias. Would Trump have fared better? Not even close.

Biden made as many gaffes or even fewer as he would have thirty years ago.

Trump get convicted of 34 felonies, found in a court of law to be a sexual assailant, is a gaffe-a-thon at every public event, and is implicated in court documents with a pedophile and Republicans close ranks and support him even more. Biden has a bad TV appearance and suddenly perfection is required or weā€™re DOOOOOOOOOMED! Democrats can be such squishes.


I really appreciate your attitude re: Biden and I agree with it in so far as I too think heā€™s been an unusually good president and is getting the shit end of a stick here. But itā€™s also true that members of his campaign in 2020 explicitly stated that he wouldnā€™t run again in 2024 and they apparently only changed their minds because of better than expected midterm results and a general cowering of the field that likely had much to do with the fact that theyā€™d shielded Biden from public view.

I am mystified as to why anyone would prefer the energetic threat to the republic Trump poses to the sleepy threat of competency Biden poses, but that they evidently do seems to be the case.

Biden and his campaign also brought this on themselves by massively losing an incredibly winnable debate. I will vote for anyone over Trump, but as a democrat I am absolutely for the passing of the torch.


You are no doubt correct that Trump would be worse than Biden would be in the same situation, but that is not the question before the Democrats. The question is simply, who gives you the best chance to beat Trump?

Biden can no longer make a coherent case for anything future oriented. He trails off, stops unexpectedly, or goes on for minutes. Who can make a case against Trump better, Biden or someone else? Who can make a case to reform SCOTUS, Biden or someone else. Etc, etc, etc.

Yes I do agree with you on that. Democrats are usually simple minded and cannot fathom the idea that someone might not like their candidate so they MUST be supporting a Republican instead. I applaud you for seeing how terrible of a candidate Biden is.

Biden has been showing signs of dementia since well before the atrocious TV appearance. Why do you refuse to see it?

Everything is clearly ok with Biden.

Now he thinks Kamala is The Donald.


As expected, the judge threw out Giulianiā€™s bankruptcy case. The creditors are now free to descend upon Rudyā€™s rotting corpse and devour the remains.

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You hate to see it.