The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Speaking of apologists, just tune in to MSNBC. Wall to wall propaganda for Biden. Just now, they have him on, yapping about how many votes he won in the primary, and how “the voters” will be deprived if he doesn’t run. All that is so fucking disingenuous and everyone with a brain realizes it. In ego and delusion, he’s a mirror image of Trump.


I’m not saying that the Dems shouldn’t be having a serious re-think right now. What I am saying is that this cannot be allowed to be a repeat of 2016 when “but her emails” allowed a criminal rapist ascend to the presidency.

That’s the lesson from Europe: vote for someone who may not be your dream candidate because to not do so will allow your worst nightmare to win.


Everyone that will vote because they are against Trump, will vote regardless of who the Dems nominate. That should be the core assumption underlying Dem strategy. That’s the Dem floor. All this nonsense from Biden and his supporters is just lowering the Dem ceiling, and that ceiling will likely be needed for a victory.

Bullshit! This is “but her emails” all over again. Biden has more experience than anyone that’s ever run for the office. He has done a remarkable job, better than every other world leader during his tenure.

At his worst, he has never suggested lobbing a nuke into a hurricane, or, by the fucking way, never promoted the violent overthrow of an election! He slows down a little and you think he’s the same as Trump. That ridiculous.

Trump gets convicted of 34 felonies and Republicans support him even more. Biden has a bad TV appearance and you and the media are ready to “send him off on the ice flow”. What a load of shit!

As if changing candidates (and nobody can even say HOW that would happen) would improve the situation one bit. Fucking ridiculous.


You really like to lose elections? That’s what your denialism will bear.


How would a candidate be changed? Be specific. You really think changing a candidate will help? Are you new to American politics?

This absolutely nails it.

They would have to leap over Kamala, but if the Democrats ran Michelle Obama, they would win in a landslide more than likely.

Shit, it’s easy. They used to do it all the time. In simplest terms, the delegates at the convention vote and nominate a candidate. But as long as there are impediments like Biden and his apologists, rational people can’t move forward.

How many examples are there of replacing an incumbent President on a ticket when nobody else won, or really even ran in, a primary? How many examples of an incumbent being forced off the ticket with a successful replacement? How many examples of an incumbent president with a contested convention that led to a successful candidate?

I’ll save you the trouble. The answer is zero.

There are no apple to apple scenarios in your favor either, maybe prior to LBJ, but that’s before my life.

Anyways, I see people like you as refusing to use their imagination. When faced with a scenario where the voters are clearly telling them their candidate is a complete dud, they throw up their hands and say, “but what can I do?” and come up with rationalizations of why they must hold their ground against the incoming semi.

It’s pretty simple: Biden’s chances are near nil, another person might be near 30%, but those are much better odds. The choice is pretty simple.

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I think a better question was when was the last time we have had a presidential candidate in his 80’s with dementia. I am sorry but we don’t have many examples of that.

If you or anyone else thinks Biden is calling the shots, you may be as braindead as old Joe.

Every president is surrounded by advisors and the vast majority of administration decisions (calling the shots) and work takes place one or more levels below the president. Only the highest level (tactically or optically) decisions contain direct presidential input. But, even that is deeply influenced by those advisors. If I was to compare the quantity of that direct input during the last three administrations, I’d say Obama had direct input far and away above the other two. Followed by Biden and then Trump. I am not skilled to assess the quality of such presidential input during those last 3 administrations. That’s the domain of presidential scholars and bloviating internet “experts”.

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Here’s a plan

This is the basic idea, and hearing from someone with cred (Carville) should be more convincing than hearing it from me.

Carville is a fucking lunatic and I give you infinitely more credibility than him and I don’t even know you.

The only sort of person who can and will beat Trump is an old white guy. If you want to read that as an indictment on American society, well, you should. There is zero chance a woman will win, and minus pick a number any number chance that a woman of color will win. If you could find me a white guy and convince me you could swap them out without enraging everyone else, count me in. But if another white guy comes in and leapfrogs the Vice President and other visible, credible candidates, I just don’t see how the ensuing chaos is going to be better than the old guy with a speech impediment whose presidential record has been spectacular.


I hope the weather didn’t delay his flight.

I don’t buy your premise that it has to be an old white guy. I’m more likely to buy the idea that the Democrats are clinging to the one candidate who can’t beat Trump.

I suspect that there are a shitload of younger voters who are screaming out “who the fuck are these idiots who keep forcing old, fucking white guys on us. Give us someone, anybody else, please!!!”

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I feel totally safe with Dan Patrick in charge of things.

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We tried a (supremely qualified) woman once before and that’s what got us in this mess. In the primaries the first time around Biden smoked the candidates you and I preferred then and prefer now. That’s why I think it has to be a white guy, not because it’s my preference, which it’s not, but because the voting public has told me so repeatedly.


Yeah, but it was really only an issue for Houston, so no problem.