The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Labour won more seats than projected, as the country voted against extremism as the centrist Lib-Dems gained significantly while the SNP (Scottish nationalists) got crushed.

Of course, it’s never all wine and roses as the ever-punchable milkshake receptacle Farage won a seat for the first time in eleventy-one tries. Reform UK won 4 seats - which is insignificant - but it allows Farage a platform for his vicious nonsense. It also identifies four places in the UK never to visit.

Nevertheless, the parade of limos to Buckingham Palace for the change of power to be blessed by the King has been completed and Labour leader Kier Starmer will set about forming a new administration.

Jonathan Pie weighs in…

Bill S. Preston Esq. weighs in…

It’s not lost on many people that the UK election being of the Fourth of July, and the U.S. election being on the Fifth of November, is some karmic shit.

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A song for today…

Before and after. Oof!

Key: The blue is Conservative.

Jonathan Pie, barely sobered up, offers a summary for the US audience.

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And just like that. In six short weeks. It was over.

Election yesterday…new Prime Minister takes office today.

It boggles my mind that it takes the US sooooooooo long to hold, count and act on an election.

Angela Rayner became Deputy Prime Minister today. From her Wiki:

Rayner was born and raised in Stockport, where she attended the comprehensive Avondale School. She left school aged 16 whilst pregnant and without any qualifications.

She later trained in social care at Stockport College and worked for the local council as a care worker. She eventually became a trade union representative within Unison, during which time she joined the Labour Party. Selected to contest Ashton‑under‑Lyne in 2014 and elected for the seat at the 2015 general election.

Look at that path taken by pregnant-at-16 high school dropout, and then look at Lauren Boebert’s.

Giving a shit about people matters.

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8 posts in a row by Limey. This whole liberal media finally reporting on how old, feeble and demented Biden is must really be keeping him up at night. Normal people have known all of this about Biden for years. I personally have been talking about it on here since 2019.

If you wanted to know whether the effort to make Project 2025 famous is working…

Biden is now identifying as a black woman.

Boebert was more of a hands on learner.

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That’s because the russkies haven’t told him about it yet.

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Old Biden thinks it’s Christmas. Someone just needs to let old Joe wander off.

France has turned it’s back on a 21st Century Vichy government. Macron is no fool and Putin loses again.


This is what it looks like when a fragmented left sees a valid and real, quintessential and existential threat to their views on society and put aside their secondary differences and come together for their perceived good of the republic. I wonder if the left here in the US has the guts to make a similarly drastic move.


High turnout foiled the polling. Strategic third-place withdrawals also made a big difference.

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I expect an even more hawkish Macron after the Olympics are over.

The British and French used strategic voting to make sure that right wing fringe candidates could not sneak through. In many cases, there were not voting for their choice of candidate, but understood the need to hold off the scourge of alt-right fascism.

Here, CNN set up Biden to fail, and has been flogging that old horse ever since. The rest of the MSM has joined in, with the NYT calling for Biden to step down with a half-page headline. I’ve been looking for when they called for Trump to step down after being convicted of 34 felonies, but I’ll have to get back to you on that one.

Ditto for when Trump showed up multiple times in Epstein’s flight logs. Or when Trump showed up multiple times in Epstein’s call logs. Or when the FBI searched Trump’s residence and found top secret documents in his bedroom. (I could go on).

Vote blue no matter who.

Meanwhile, how is CNN’s crab to the right under new ownership working out for them?

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It’s not the media’s fault, his weakness is obvious to almost everyone. From what I’ve seen the last week, the blame will lie solely with all those in denial: Biden, his family, his campaign and all his apologists. I’m already sick of folks implying that I should be more like the cult Republicans, and support a candidate regardless of how flawed he is.