The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

I’m almost sorry that I asked

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Everyone knows the age-old political adage: if you’re denying barbecuing then eating a dog, you’re losing.



…and what does Hank Hill have to say?

Any type of outdoor grilling should be done using clean burning propane, I tell ya hwhut.


This calculation the Democrats have to make is what move (or non-move) will net them the most votes or, perhaps, cost them the fewest votes.

If you replace Biden with Harris, you run into the problem they had in 2016 of running a competent woman at the top of the ticket. You cede to Trump the “experience” high ground too.

If you fuck over Harris and draft someone new - Newsome is an oft-cited option - you run the risk of souring voters because of the clear pandering to misogyny and racism that such a move represents.

Just replacing Biden with anyone could be a net loss because it plays directly to the “Dems in disarray” meme.

I wish it wasn’t Biden. I didn’t want Biden last time around either. But I’ll default to the old adage: “you dance with the one that brung ya!”

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Fuck the narratives, they shouldn’t be deterred by that. Just let everyone who wants in, in. Let the delegates narrow it down over a number of votes. It might be Harris or it might not, just pick the candidate most people want. You know, the Democratic ethic.

Continuing on with Biden is madness, and the surest way to lose the Presidency, and down-ballot races.

As an aside, my Rep is Doggett, and I’m very thankful that he has shown basic common-sense and courage.


I think both of your statements overstate the risk involved with Harris and are also at odds with one another.

Regardless, the Democrats need a nominee who can unite the party and beat Trump. As I stated up thread, the undecideds aren’t due to a lack of knowledge about Biden and Trump; they’re utterly dissatisfied with having to choose between them.

Fortunately, there is a deep bench of younger, more popular Democratic politicians who can immediately reset this campaign as the new nominee - e.g. Harris, Beshear, Whitmer, Newsome, et al.

As I write this, I’m cautiously optimistic the Party will embrace the opportunity to do so (especially after this morning’s NYT article). This is still the Democratic Party, however, a group in a seemingly never ending cycle of FAFO.

Depends on the grilling

You’ve got a lot more optimism than me. I fully expect this to be yet another Democrat half-measure clusterfuck. They’ll spend months critiquing Biden openly, but he doesn’t willingly step down and they never force his hand. Then, we’ll have an election and find out that all of the friendly-fire critiques stuck with voters and sank his candidacy.


I predict more mail in votes for Biden than ever recorded for anyone in the history of voting. It will take them months to count them.

Butane’s a bastard gas.

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I have no idea who you are, but I predict that you will probably go fuck off.


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Manana, Manana, Manana


The UK has resoundingly rejected the currently-dominant Conservative Party (and the ultra-right wing Reform party).

The Labour Party is set to have a significant majority.

That’s what being run out on a rail looks like.


Normally I think the UK politics run 6 months ahead of US. Though given the performance of reform, this seems like a 2020 set back for the overall party resulting in a larger rightward shift that could swallow up the electorate.

Fortunately those right wing interests haven’t already coopted the judiciary. Perhaps a parliamentary system is the best version of democratic checks and balances?

Labour’s majority is going to be unreflective of the vote percentages, so the parliamentary system isn’t the solution to almost any question regarding representation.

Also, the UK has unelected Lords in place of Senators, and an actual king (not just an immunized one).

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At least they can’t vote. Wait…

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