The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Not even remotely !!!

And I am not looking for any kind of sympathy. I was simply trying to express the difficulties many people and famies are experiencing as I understand that first hand.

I know Trump and the Republican party only care about millionaires staying millionaires and actually continuing to grow their wealth. Middle class and lower class are simply tools to generate that wealth.

But many many of the people in my circle feel that Biden and the current administration are to blame and therefore a change must be made and Trumps character and criminal activity means much less than putting food on the table.

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Inflation was horrific, but itā€™s back under control, (was 0% last month). But that doesnā€™t reverse the damage inflation has done - prices are coming down. Wages are going up ahead of inflation now, but thereā€™s a time lag and people are hurting in the meantime.

Biden needs to explain what he is going to do now to help those hurting now.

CORRECTION: Meant to type ā€œprices are NOT coming downā€.

Cue debate withdrawal:

Screenshot 2024-06-25 at 1.05.56 PM

A year ago, my grocery bill was always about $150 per week and very rarely hit $175.

Now it is never under $200 and occassionally as high as $215-230 depending on needing staples that last several months like ketchup or shampoo.

The house I rent was $1100 per month 5 years ago and now is more than twice that ($2495)

I got an annual raise in March of 52 cents per hour, or $21 per week.

Iā€™m sure there are many people in similar situations.

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I have no doubt.

Biden needs to explain this to those suffering and explain what heā€™s going to do to fix it. Part of that is going to be giving him a Democratically-controlled Congress so that he can do things like lowering medical bills, reinstating the child tax credit and passing a middle/working class tax cut.


I believe that Biden is the much better choice but I worry that there are more people out there than we realize who are either drinking the koolaid, or simply will vote for a change for the sake of change.

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Thatā€™s certainly a risk, but Iā€™m more concerned about people sitting it out as a protest. That didnā€™t work very well in 2016.

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The economic message is a really tough one for Democrats. For god knows what reason people consistently say they trust Republicans more than Democrats on the economy despite Republican controlled governments invariably wrecking the economy and Democrat controlled governments invariably repairing everything despite their fellow Republicans doing everything they can to make sure that doesnā€™t happen. Itā€™s perverse.

The inflation situation is better in the US than it is anywhere else, usually by a considerable margin. Trying to explain this to voters is a lost cause I think because most are economically illiterate and they donā€™t want to hear it anyway. What Limey says is correct, I think - you have to tell people what youā€™re going to do for them, explicitly: lower and/or cap drug costs, expand Medicare, strengthen food assistance programs, create more new jobs, etc. You contrast this with what the Republicans actively promise to do, which is lower taxes for people who donā€™t need lower taxes, take away your healthcare and do away with Medicare and Social Security.

Is that message going to get through to people who arenā€™t paying attention? I donā€™t know. Maybe theyā€™re more affected by shit they see on TikTok, who knows.


So howā€™s that Colorado GOP primary going?

Stephen Valera issued a press release today stating the the Pueblo County Republican HQ office was hit by gunfire, forcing his campaign to move their watch party to a different location. He said that the ā€œmotive of the perpetrators is unknown,ā€ but will not be intimidated if this was intended to send him a message.


Interesting discussion. @Idstrosfan Iā€™ll start by saying I am so sorry that you are experiencing the circumstances that you are. That really sucks. I hope that things start trending in a better direction soon.

For the larger discussion on generalized populations rather than an individual circumstance regarding the disconnect between financial data and how people feel, itā€™s actually a pretty well known phenomena to economists and psychologists. Politicians on both sides know this very well and play on the emotions and feelings of people accordingly to further their own goals and objectives. A disappointing attribute of self-serving human behavior. This article is a pretty decent read on the concepts. Itā€™s about a three minute read and thereā€™s even a link to a radio segment on NPR thatā€™s maybe three or four minutes.

ā€¦ for anyone that wants to have an honest discussion on what the nation is going through right now.

I count myself as among those not having an easy time of it lately. Havenā€™t had to run in to my retirement yet but it doesnā€™t seem impossible anymore.

As rough as it is, Iā€™m able to recognize that my financial troubles started with the pandemic and I havenā€™t been able to dig out from that fully.

What I canā€™t understand is peopleā€™s inability to look at their personal problems in a wider time context than the last 3 monthsā€¦ quite a bit has led us to this point and really, it all started decades ago and is the fault of multiple administrations. Some more than others. The middle class has played second fiddle to the wealthy for decades now.

I would love to know what Trumpā€™s actual plan for the middle class is. So far all I can tell is ā€œIā€™ll fix it because Iā€™m the best at everythingā€ and that is in sharp contrast to how he actually handled the financial side of the pandemic. Small checks with his name on them did jack shit.

I am familiar with what Biden has planned because the party actually presents plans instead of focusing on ruining trans kidsā€™ lives or making ivf a bad thingā€¦.

Which brings up a very important point. I donā€™t vote for a fucking dude. I vote for a party platform.


ā€œRich folks got your money with politics. You can get it back with politics.ā€ Woody Guthrie

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Far too many people - and this includes households with six-figure incomes - live paycheck to paycheck. I say this not to criticize such people, just making the observation that you canā€™t think strategically when youā€™re an engine repair away from catastrophe.

Please tell us what his plan is.

Due to the inability to have an honest discussion with you, I am no longer interested in trying. I donā€™t put people on ignore but Iā€™m done engaging with you (on this thread) and have been for awhile.

Everyone has a different experience/story but I wasnā€™t prepared in any way for my income to completely disappear for a year and a half. WV was also out of unemployment resources (including actual people to talk to) basically on day two of the pandemic. Sure glad Iā€™ve been paying unemployment insurance my entire adult lifeā€¦

Things have stabilized and I make good money but the echo of all of the performing arts shutting down is still audible today. As long as I donā€™t have a disaster in the next two years all should be on the up and up again.

I only bring my context up as an example of how these financial problems extend well beyond our current occupant of the Oval Office.


And this, ladies and gentlemen, is a perfect example of how Democrats think. You can ask them simple questions like this regarding Biden and they have no clue on how to answer. They canā€™t tell you one good thing Biden has done or what he is going to do. If you ask them, they immediately get in a huff and say things like this. Itā€™s sometimes rather amusing until you stop and realize how dangerous it is.

Lauren ā€œHandjobā€ Boebert cruised to a laugher of a primary victory in the district she has invaded, meaning sheā€™s a lock to win again in November. She celebrated her victory with a rant guaranteeing the end of the two most damaging scourges of our timeā€¦CRT and sex education.

For those who think sanity will prevail in Novemberā€¦buckle up, buttercup.

She beat off all her rivals.

Seriously, it shows that the GOP base is unreachable and the only cure for it is diabetes and maybe a new strain of COVID.

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Yep. They really did this.

They overruled the bribery conviction of an Indiana mayor who got a $13,000 ā€œtipā€ from a contractor after the contractor had been awarded a city contract.

So when they grant Trump immunity tomorrow or (more likely) Friday, they can now accept subsequent ā€œgiftsā€ from grateful billionaires who want their taxes cut.