The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

I love this. And my Christian faith is center to everything am and everything I do.

Posting the 10 Commandments in elementary school classrooms is likely to cause more spiritual harm than any good they may hope to accomplish. It is just so shortsighted.


Because the reality is that they arenā€™t doing it to bring spiritual guidance. They are doing it to rub it in the noses of those who would be against it so they can cry religious persecution. Itā€™s all a fucking game.


I think itā€™s more sinister than that; itā€™s to create a challenge to the establishment clause in the courts and let this SCOTUS blow it up.

Today, Coloradoā€™s 4th district has the chance to do the funniest thingā€¦

In debate news, the press has been reporting regularly on the difference in debate prep strategy between Biden and Trump, where Biden has been prepping and Trump has been golfing.

They do this without making the leap of logic that Trump isnā€™t prepping to debate because he isnā€™t going to debate. He will make a big splash about being told by his lawyers (who will have called him ā€œsirā€) that he cannot debate because of the gag order.

Heā€™ll debate, but his idea of a ā€œdebateā€ and everyone elseā€™s are not in the same universe. Heā€™ll use the TV time to babble and rattle off his unhinged list of grievances and proposed retribution, and then claim loudly that he won the ā€œdebateā€, likely the greatest debate performance in the history of the world, Presidential or otherwise. There is little preparation required for that. The MAGAts will swoon. Nothing changes.

The problem heā€™s going to have is that there is someone in the control room - not the moderators - who has a timer and will cut off mics once the time limit is hit.

Biden is going to have a bunch of 90-second hit pieces prepped and Trump will be talking about batteries when his mic is cut before he even gets to the shark.

Iā€™m sure Biden will be all coked up for the debate. Iā€™m looking forward to seeing him crap his pants and be led on and off the stage. Of course the debate is led by CNN so Biden will get some help.

Do you really think thatā€™s going to matter to the MAGAts?

Nothing is going to stop them voting for Trump. Theyā€™re not Bidenā€™s target for this debate.

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You still think there are people who are goingā€¦ā€œhmmmā€¦this Trump fellow sounds intriguing. Iā€™m not quite sure what heā€™s about thoughā€?

I do. Never over-estimate the US electorate.

What will people think about Biden zoning out, having a blank stare and crapping his pants on live tv? Itā€™s laughable that some Democrats think that people will actually be intrigued about a senile old man in his 80ā€™s with dementia shouting gibberish. Other countries are laughing at us.

Absolutely. There are millions of people in this group, people that are, despite everything and quite incredibly, still undecided.

And donā€™t forget all the propganda blaming Biden for the high cost of living.

A year ago, womenā€™s rights and abortion were the #1 issues in my mind but that has effectively been buried in favor of cost of living in my world.

People WANT to do the right thing and stand up for womenā€™s and reptoductive rights.

People WANT to keep tyrants out of office.

People MUST live and be able to eat and pay bills.

Ignorance and laziness make it very likely that much of the public blames Biden and the Democratic party that they are drowning financially.

Edit: I left out simply being gullible.

I see it on social media from people I know and respect and from perfect strangers.

I I suspect that the undecided voters are less about a lack of knowledge of who the two candidates are and more about a deep sense of dissatisfaction in having to choose between Biden and Trump.

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There is poll after poll where people are asked if they are doing well financially, and the response is overwhelmingly ā€œyesā€. Same people asked if they think the country is doing well financially and the numbers are a virtual flip. Itā€™s lived reality vs. vibes.

This is the biggest struggle the Biden campaign has: to get the successes of the administration into the forefront of votersā€™ thinking. The media doesnā€™t help because they will report on the vibes while rarely contrasting that with the reality. It doesnā€™t help that Trump sucks up all the media oxygen.

Thatā€™s why the debate is a pivotal moment. Itā€™s a chance to confront the bollocks directly in a way that the media will not.

And hence the need to lay out ā€” clearly and straightforwardly ā€” the case that inflation is a worldwide problem that would have happened regardless of who was in charge, and likely would have been much worse with an irresponsible lunkhead in charge. Iā€™m sure the campaign is working hard on that message.

I donā€™t know about the rest of the country, but I pay more in bills and expenses than I ever have.

I make very slightly more money than in past years and it has not been even close to keeping up with my bills.

Due to crazy medical costs and my wife being out of work for months at a time, due to said medical issues, I have cashed out my pension, taken loans vs my 401K, and pillaged my savings just to eat and keep a roof over my head.

Other people may be doing fine and think the country is fine financially.

Families like mine with heavy medical bills and limited income sources due to chronic health conditions and no money to save or invest donā€™t think that way.

To us, the stock market and interest rates on toys we canā€™t buy or financial services and products we never use mean nothing.

The price of groceries is what matters.

I am so sorry that youā€™re in that situation.

You have to make your own choices but, politically, do you think that Trump is more likely to help with your circumstances of Biden?